首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Forestry Research >Storage of biomass and net primary productivity in desert shrubland of Artemisia ordosica on Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia, China

Storage of biomass and net primary productivity in desert shrubland of Artemisia ordosica on Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia, China


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应用标准株收获法对鄂尔多斯高原油蒿灌丛群落生物量和 净初级生产力进行了一个生长季(6月~10月)的研究。结果表 明:(1)生长季内不同月份之间相同株型单株油蒿地上和地下 生物量差异不显著(p > 0.1),而地上当年生部分生物量差异显 著(p < 0.01);(2)油蒿群落中,地上和地下总生物量为 699.76~1246.40 g m~(-2),年地上部分NPP值为224.09 g m~(-2) y~(-1); (3)单株油蒿生物量和NPP与灌丛体积具有较好的相关性, 应用幂指数方程能够达到较好的拟合效果。%Biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) are two important parameters in determining ecosystem carbon pool and carbon sequestration. The biomass storage and NPP in desert shrubland of Artemisia ordosica on Ordos Plateau were investigated with method of harvesting standard size shrub in the growing season (June-October) of 2006. Results indicated that above- and belowground biomass of the same size shrubs showed no significant variation in the growing season (p > 0.1), but annual biomass varied significantly (p < 0.01). In the A. ordosica community, shrub biomass storage was 699.76-1246.40 g · m~(-2) and annual aboveground NPP was 224.09 g · m~(-2) · a~(-1). Moreover, shrub biomass and NPP were closely related with shrub dimensions (cover and height) and could be well predicted by shrub volume using power regression.
机译:应用标准株收获法对鄂尔多斯高原油蒿灌丛群落生物量和 净初级生产力进行了一个生长季(6月~10月)的研究。结果表明:(1)生长季内不同月份之间相同株型单株油蒿地上和地下生物量差异不显着(p > 0.1),而地上当年生部分生物量差异显着(p < 0.01);( 2)油蒿群落中,地上和地下总生物量为699.76~1246.40 gm~(-2),年地上部分NPP值为224.09 gm~(-2) y~(-1); (3)单株油蒿生物量和NPP与灌丛体积具有较好的相关性, 应用幂指数方程能够达到较好的拟合效果。 %Biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) are two important parameters in determining ecosystem carbon pool and carbon sequestration. The biomass storage and NPP in desert shrubland of Artemisia ordosica on Ordos Plateau were investigated with method of harvesting standard size shrub in the growing season ( June-October) of 2006. Results indicated that above- and belowground biomass of the same size shrubs showed no significant variation in the growing season (p > 0.1), but annual biomass varied significantly (p < 0.01). In the A. ordosica community, shrub biomass storage was 699.76-1246.40 g · m~(-2) and annual aboveground NPP was 224.09 g · m~(-2) · a~(-1). Moreover, shrub biomass and NPP were closely related with shrub dimensions (cover and height) and could be well predicted by shrub volume using power regression.



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