首页> 外文期刊>Journal of financial economics >The job rating game: Revolving doors and analyst incentives

The job rating game: Revolving doors and analyst incentives


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Investment banks frequently hire analysts from rating agencies. While many argue that this "revolving door" creates captured analysts, it can also create incentives to improve accuracy. To study this issue, I construct an original data set, linking analysts to their career paths and the securitized finance ratings they issue. First, I show that accurate analysts are more frequently hired by underwriting investment banks. Second, I exploit two distinct sources of variation in the likelihood of being hired by a bank. Both indicate that, as this likelihood rises, analyst accuracy improves. The findings suggest policymakers should consider incentive effects alongside capture concerns. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:投资银行经常从评级机构聘请分析师。许多人认为这种“旋转门”可以吸引被捕获的分析师,但同时也可以激发提高准确性的动机。为了研究这个问题,我构建了一个原始数据集,将分析师与他们的职业道路和他们发行的证券化财务评级联系起来。首先,我表明,承销投资银行会更频繁地聘请准确的分析师。第二,我利用银行雇用的可能性的两个不同的变化来源。两者都表明,随着这种可能性的增加,分析人员的准确性也会提高。调查结果表明,政策制定者应在考虑俘获问题的同时考虑激励措施。 (C)2019 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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