首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Financial Economic Policy >The importance of being earnest: Macroeconomic determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the Eurozone

The importance of being earnest: Macroeconomic determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the Eurozone


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Purpose - This paper aims to provide an empirical analysis of the macroeconomic determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the Eurozone from 2000 until August 2012, when the Outright Monetary Transactions programme was launched Design/methodology/approach - The authors constructed an unbalanced panel with quarterly data from 2000 Q1 to 2012 Q2 for the 12 Eurozone countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The authors propose a model that explains spreads through the main categories of variables observed in the literature. The relationship between variables is analysed using ordinary least squares and quantile regressions. As discussed by the authors, quantile regressions provide a more precise estimation, given the huge heterogeneity across counties that can be observed in the Eurozone Findings - Results show that the relationship between sovereign risk and macroeconomic fundamentals is affected by a strong country sentiment effect. The impact of country sentiment on sovereign risk is larger for those countries that were already experiencing higher spreads. Regardless the impact that European Central Bank's (ECB) intervention had on sovereign risk from 2012, quantile regression results suggest that policy recommendations and goals should be adapted to each country's market perception. Originality/value - The results obtained improve on previous findings on this topic (De Grauwe and Ji, 2012) in two ways. First, they show that even introducing every category of determinants found in the literature in the main specification, fundamentals can only partially explain the evolution of sovereign risk in the Eurozone. Second, they find there is a country-sentiment effect that affects the relationship between macroeconomic indicators and sovereign risk. Furthermore, the paper finds that the country-sentiment effect is larger for countries facing high spreads.
机译:目的-本文旨在提供对2000年至2012年8月欧元区主权债券收益率利差的宏观经济决定因素的实证分析,该方案启动了“彻底货币交易”计划设计/方法/方法-作者构建了一个季度均衡的不平衡面板12个欧元区国家从2000年第一季度到2012年第二季度的数据:奥地利,比利时,芬兰,法国,德国,希腊,爱尔兰,卢森堡,意大利,荷兰,葡萄牙和西班牙。作者提出了一个模型,该模型解释了文献中观察到的主要变量类别的扩散。使用普通最小二乘法和分位数回归分析变量之间的关系。正如作者所讨论的那样,考虑到欧元区调查结果中发现的各县之间的巨大异质性,分位数回归提供了更精确的估计-结果表明,主权风险与宏观经济基本面之间的关系受到强大的国家情绪效应的影响。对于那些已经出现较高利差的国家而言,国家情绪对主权风险的影响更大。不管欧洲中央银行(ECB)的干预措施从2012年起对主权风险产生的影响,分位数回归结果都表明政策建议和目标应适应每个国家的市场认知。原创性/价值-所获得的结果在以前关于该主题的发现上有两种改进(De Grauwe和Ji,2012)。首先,他们表明,即使引入主要规范文献中发现的所有决定因素类别,基本面也只能部分解释欧元区主权风险的演变。其次,他们发现国家情感效应会影响宏观经济指标与主权风险之间的关系。此外,本文发现,对于面临高点差的国家,国家情感效应更大。



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