首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ethology >Male Isaza (Gymnogobius isaza, Gobiidae) prefer large mates: a counterstrategy against brood parasitism by conspecific females

Male Isaza (Gymnogobius isaza, Gobiidae) prefer large mates: a counterstrategy against brood parasitism by conspecific females

机译:男性Isaza(Gymnogobius isaza,Gobiidae)偏爱大型配偶:针对具雌性的雌性对卵寄生的对策

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Like many other gobies, male Isaza (Gymnogobius isaza) which are endemic to Lake Biwa, Japan, exclusively care for broods in nests. This goby may have an optimal range of brood size (i.e., an average clutch size of about 2000–3000 eggs) within which they may produce larger numbers of hatching young because much larger broods may be destroyed by fungal infection before hatching. This optimal brood size hypothesis (Takahashi et al. in J Ethol 22:153–159, 2004) predicts that (1) after spawning, both males and females will refuse additional spawning by other gravid females (second females) to keep brood sizes within optimal ranges, (2) larger fish will repel second females more successfully than will smaller fish, and thus, (3) both sexes prefer larger mates. To examine these predictions, we first observed Isaza’s aggressive behaviors in aquaria and investigated whether fish attacked and repelled second females that were introduced after spawning, and, if so, what were the sizes of fish that did so. Large fish, regardless of sex, aggressively prevented second females from entering the nest, but second females larger than the pairs displaced the pair females forcibly and spawned eggs into their clutches. Mate choice experiments showed that males preferred large females. Although females’ choice of large mates was not confirmed, many results may largely coincide with the predictions of the optimal brood size hypothesis. Thus, Isaza males’ choice of large mates will be advantageous for defending against brood parasitism by conspecific females and for achieving optimal clutch size.
机译:像许多其他虾虎鱼一样,日本琵琶湖特有的雄性依萨(Gymnogobius isaza)专门照料巢中的卵。这只虾虎鱼的亲鱼大小可能处于最佳范围(即,平均离合器大小约为2000–3000个卵),在此范围内它们可能会孵出更多的幼鱼,因为在孵化之前,较大的亲鱼可能会被真菌感染破坏。这种最佳的亲鱼大小假说(Takahashi等人在《环境杂志》 Ethol 22:153–159,2004)中预测:(1)产卵后,雄性和雌性都将拒绝其他妊娠雌性(第二雌性)的额外产卵,以保持亲鱼大小在最佳范围,(2)大鱼比小鱼更能成功击退雌鱼,因此,(3)男女都喜欢大伴侣。为了检验这些预测,我们首先观察了Isaza在水族箱中的攻击行为,并调查了鱼类是否攻击并排斥产卵后引入的第二只雌性,如果是,则捕捞的鱼类大小是多少。大鱼,不论性别,都积极地阻止了第二对雌性进入巢穴,但是比雌对大的第二对雌性则强行将雌对移开,并产下卵入其离合器。伴侣选择实验表明,雄性比雌性大。尽管没有确定雌性对大伴侣的选择,但许多结果可能与最佳亲鱼大小假说的预测基本吻合。因此,伊萨扎(Isaza)雄性选择大伴侣将有利于抵御同种雌性的繁殖所带来的寄生性寄生虫,并有利于获得最佳的离体大小。



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