首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes >Modeling biodegradation and kinetics of glyphosate by artificial neural network

Modeling biodegradation and kinetics of glyphosate by artificial neural network


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An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed to simulate the biodegradation of herbicide glyphosate [2-(Phosphonomethylamino) acetic acid] in a solution with varying parameters pH, inoculum size and initial glyphosate concentration. The predictive ability of ANN model was also compared with Monod model. The result showed that ANN model was able to accurately predict the experimental results. A low ratio of self-inhibition and half saturation constants of Haldane equations (< 8) exhibited the inhibitory effect of glyphosate on bacteria growth. The value of Ki/Ks increased when the mixed inoculum size was increased from 104 to 106 bacteria/mL. It was found that the percentage of glyphosate degradation reached a maximum value of 99% at an optimum pH 6-7 while for pH values higher than 9 or lower than 4, no degradation was observed.
机译:建立了人工神经网络(ANN)模型来模拟除草剂草甘膦[2-(膦酰基甲基氨基)乙酸]在具有不同参数pH,接种量和草甘膦初始浓度的溶液中的生物降解。 ANN模型的预测能力也与Monod模型进行了比较。结果表明,人工神经网络模型能够准确预测实验结果。低自抑制率和Haldane方程的半饱和常数(<8)表现出草甘膦对细菌生长的抑制作用。当混合接种量从10 4 增加到10 6 时,K i / K s 的值增加细菌/ mL。发现在最佳pH 6-7时草甘膦降解的百分比达到最大值99%,而对于高于9或低于4的pH值,未观察到降解。



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