首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Radioactivity >Weather-dependent change of cesium, strontium, barium and tellurium contamination deposited as aerosols on various cultures

Weather-dependent change of cesium, strontium, barium and tellurium contamination deposited as aerosols on various cultures


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Various types of plants (wheat, bean, lettuce, radish and grass) were contaminated by dry deposition of radioactive aerosols (~(137)Cs, ~(85)Sr, ~(133)Ba and ~(123m)Te) in order to supplement the radioecological data necessary for operational post-accidental codes. A few days after deposition, rainfalls were applied to these cultures to evaluate the influence of some characteristics of the rain on the contamination of the culture over time. On the other hand, for wheat and bean, the influence of the humidity condition of the foliage at the contamination time was considered. For a given plant species at a given vegetative stage, the four radionuclides were intercepted in an identical way. The interception varied from 30% for bean (young sprout) to 80% for lettuce (near maturity). The global transfer factor values were dependent on both the radionuclides and the plant species; nevertheless, a higher value was obtained for cesium, regardless of the plant and the rainfall (from 0.006 m~2 kg_(fresh)~(-1) for wheat-grains ― contaminated at the shooting stage― or for bean-pods ― contaminated at the pre-flowering stage ― to 0.1 m_2 kg_(fresh)~(-1) for a whole lettuce). The analysis of the results allowed us on the one hand, to extract parameter values of the foliar transfer directly usable in operational codes, in particular those relating to barium and tellurium, unknown until then, and on the other hand, to lay the foundations of a future, more mechanistic model, taking into account the foliar processes in a finer way.
机译:各种类型的植物(小麦,豆类,生菜,萝卜和草)被放射性气溶胶(〜(137)Cs,〜(85)Sr,〜(133)Ba和〜(123m)Te)的干法沉积污染。补充操作后事故代码所必需的放射生态学数据。沉积几天后,向这些培养物施加降雨,以评估降雨的某些特征随时间推移对培养物污染的影响。另一方面,对于小麦和豆类,考虑了在污染时叶的湿度条件的影响。对于给定营养阶段的给定植物物种,以相同的方式截获了四种放射性核素。截获率从豆类(嫩芽)的30%到生菜(接近成熟)的80%不等。全球转移因子值取决于放射性核素和植物种类。但是,无论植物和降雨如何,铯都可以获得较高的铯值(在射击阶段受污染的小麦籽粒或豆荚受污染的小麦籽粒从0.006 m〜2 kg_(新鲜)〜(-1))在开花前阶段-整个生菜为0.1 m_2 kg_(新鲜)〜(-1))。对结果的分析使我们一方面能够提取可直接用于操作规范中的叶面转移的参数值,特别是与钡和碲有关的参数值,直到那时才知道这些参数值,另一方面为一个未来的,更机械的模型,并以更好的方式考虑了叶面过程。



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