首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Radioactivity >Can barium and strontium be used as tracers for radium in soil-plant transfer studies?

Can barium and strontium be used as tracers for radium in soil-plant transfer studies?


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Radium is one of the prominent potential contaminants linked with industries extracting or processing material containing naturally occurring radionuclides. In this study we investigate if ~(133)Ba and ~(85)Sr can be used as tracers for predicting ~(226)Ra soil-to-plant transfer. Three soil types were artificially contaminated with these radionuclides and transfer to ryegrass and clover was studied. Barium is considered a better tracer for radium than strontium, given the significant linear correlation found between the Ra and Ba-TF. For strontium, no such correlation was found. The relationship between soil characteristics and transfer factors was investigated. Cation exchange capacity, exchangeable Ca + Mg content and soil pH did not seem to influence Ra, Ba or Sr uptake in any clear way. A significant relation (negative power function) was found between the bivalent (Ca + Mg) concentration in the soil solution and the Ra-TF. A similar dependency was found for the Sr and Ba-TF, although less significant.
机译:镭是与工业中提取或加工含有天然放射性核素的材料相关的潜在潜在污染物之一。在这项研究中,我们调查了〜(133)Ba和〜(85)Sr是否可用作预测〜(226)Ra土壤向植物转移的示踪剂。这些放射性核素人为污染了三种土壤类型,并研究了它们向黑麦草和三叶草的转移。考虑到Ra和Ba-TF之间存在显着的线性相关性,钡被认为是镭比锶更好的示踪剂。对于锶,未发现这种相关性。研究了土壤特性与传递因子之间的关系。阳离子交换能力,可交换的Ca + Mg含量和土壤pH值似乎并未以任何明确的方式影响Ra,Ba或Sr的吸收。发现土壤溶液中的二价(Ca + Mg)浓度与Ra-TF之间存在显着的关系(负幂函数)。尽管对Sr和Ba-TF的依赖性较小,但也发现了类似的依赖性。



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