首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Radioactivity >Atmospheric residence time of Pb-210 determined from the activity ratios with its daughter radionuclides Bi-210 and Po-210

Atmospheric residence time of Pb-210 determined from the activity ratios with its daughter radionuclides Bi-210 and Po-210


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The residence time of Pb-210 created in the atmosphere by the decay of gaseous Rn-222 is a key parameter controlling its distribution and fallout onto the landscape. These in turn are key parameters governing the use of this natural radionuclide for dating and interpreting environmental records stored in natural archives such as lake sediments. One of the principal methods for estimating the atmospheric residence time is through measurements of the activities of the daughter radionuclides Bi-210 and Po-210, and in particular the Bi-210/Pb-210 and Po-210/Pb-210 activity ratios. Calculations used in early empirical studies assumed that these were governed by a simple series of equilibrium equations. This approach does however have two failings; it takes no account of the effect of global circulation on spatial variations in the activity ratios, and no allowance is made for the impact of transport processes across the tropopause. This paper presents a simple model for calculating the distributions of (210)pb, Bi-210 and Po-210 at northern mid-latitudes (30 degrees-65 degrees N), a region containing almost all the available empirical data. By comparing modelled Bi-210/Pb-210 activity ratios with empirical data a best estimate for the tropospheric residence time of around 10 days is obtained. This is significantly longer than earlier estimates of between 4 and 7 days. The process whereby Pb-210 is transported into the stratosphere when tropospheric concentrations are high and returned from it when they are low, significantly increases the effective residence time in the atmosphere as a whole. The effect of this is to significantly enhance the long range transport of Pb-210 from its source locations. The impact is illustrated by calculations showing the distribution of Pb-210 fallout versus longitude at northern mid-latitudes. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:气态Rn-222的衰变在大气中生成的Pb-210的停留时间是控制其在地表上分布和沉降的关键参数。这些反过来又是控制使用这种天然放射性核素进行日期和解释存储在诸如湖沉积物等自然档案中的环境记录的关键参数。估算大气停留时间的主要方法之一是通过测量子放射性核素Bi-210和Po-210的活度,特别是Bi-210 / Pb-210和Po-210 / Pb-210活度比。早期经验研究中使用的计算假设这些是由一系列简单的平衡方程支配的。但是,这种方法确实有两个缺点:它没有考虑全球环流对活度比的空间变化的影响,也没有考虑对流层顶运输过程的影响。本文提出了一个简单的模型,用于计算北部中纬度(北纬30度至65度)(几乎包含所有可用的经验数据)的区域中(210)pb,Bi-210和Po-210的分布。通过将模拟的Bi-210 / Pb-210活性比与经验数据进行比较,可获得对流层停留时间约10天的最佳估计。这比之前估计的4到7天要长得多。当对流层浓度高时,Pb-210被运入平流层,而当对流层浓度低时,Pb-210从平流层返回的过程显着增加了整个大气中的有效停留时间。这样的效果是显着增强了Pb-210从其源头位置的远距离传输。计算显示了Pb-210沉降物在北中纬度的分布与经度的关系。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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