首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Management >A Net-back Analysis of Irrigation Water Demand in East Anglia

A Net-back Analysis of Irrigation Water Demand in East Anglia


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In the United Kingdom, water allocation is governed by an administered licensing system, with charges unrelated to economic or environmental costs. Such a system is unlikely to result in an economically optimal allocation of water because it takes no account of the costs and benefits of each water use. However, the efficiency of the system can be improved by performing a "net- back" analysis. This paper performs a net-back analysis on irrigation water demand in the East Anglia region of the U.K. First, the simple net-back model is introduced, before existing data is used to estimate farmers' willingness to pay for irrigation water, both with and without the effects of agricultural and trade subsidies.
机译:在英国,水的分配受行政许可制度的约束,其收费与经济或环境成本无关。这样的系统不太可能导致经济上的用水优化分配,因为它没有考虑到每次用水的成本和收益。但是,可以通过执行“ netback”分析来提高系统效率。本文对英国东安格利亚地区的灌溉用水需求进行了净回本分析。首先,在使用现有数据估算农民支付灌溉水的意愿之前,引入简单的净回本模型。没有农业和贸易补贴的影响。



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