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Network Analysis as a tool for assessing environmental sustainability:Applying the ecosystem perspective to a Danish Water Management System


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New insights into the sustainable use of natural resources in human systems can be gained through comparison with ecosystems via common indices. In both kinds of system, resources are processed by a number of users within a network, but we consider ecosystems as the only ones displaying sustainable patterns of growth and development. This study aims at using Network Analysis (NA) to move such "ecosystem perspective" from theory into practice. A Danish municipal Water Management System (WMS) is used as case study to test the NA methodology and to discuss its generic applicability. We identified water users within the WMS and represented their interactions as a network of water flows. We computed intensive and extensive indices of system-level performance for seven different network configurations illustrating past conditions (2004-2008) and future scenarios (2015 and 2020). We also computed the same indices for other 24 human systems and for 12 ecosystems, by using information from the existing scientific literature on NA. The comparison of these results reveals that the WMS is similar to the other human systems and that human systems generally differ from ecosystems. The WMS is highly efficient at processing the water resource, but the rigid and almost linear structure makes it vulnerable in situations of stress such as heavy rain events. The analysis of future scenarios showed a trend towards increased sustainability, but differences between past and expected future performance of the WMS are marginal. We argue that future interventions should create alternative pathways for reusing rainwater within the WMS, increasing its potential to withstand the occurrence of flooding. We discuss advantages, limitations, and general applicability of NA as a tool for assessing environmental sustainability in human systems.
机译:通过共同指标与生态系统进行比较,可以获得对人类系统中自然资源可持续利用的新见解。在这两种系统中,资源都是由网络中的许多用户处理的,但是我们认为生态系统是唯一显示可持续增长和发展模式的系统。这项研究旨在使用网络分析(NA)将这种“生态系统观点”从理论上付诸实践。丹麦市政水管理系统(WMS)被用作案例研究,以测试NA方法并讨论其一般适用性。我们在WMS中确定了用水者,并将他们的相互作用表示为水流网络。我们计算了七个不同网络配置的系统级性能的密集指标和广泛指标,这些指标说明了过去的情况(2004-2008年)和未来的情况(2015年和2020年)。我们还使用来自现有NA的科学文献中的信息,为其他24个人类系统和12个生态系统计算了相同的指数。这些结果的比较表明,WMS与其他人类系统相似,并且人类系统通常与生态系统不同。 WMS在处理水资源方面非常高效,但是刚性和几乎线性的结构使其在诸如大雨事件等压力情况下非常脆弱。对未来方案的分析表明,可持续性有增加的趋势,但是WMS过去和预期的未来性能之间的差异很小。我们认为,未来的干预措施应为WMS中的雨水回用创造替代途径,从而增加其抵御洪水的可能性。我们讨论了NA作为评估人类系统环境可持续性的工具的优点,局限性和普遍适用性。



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