首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Economics and Management >ISO 14001 certification and environmental performance in Quebec's pulp and paper industry

ISO 14001 certification and environmental performance in Quebec's pulp and paper industry

机译:魁北克制浆造纸行业的ISO 14001认证和环境绩效

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This paper tests whether adopting the international norm ISO 14001 significantly impacts environmental performance in Quebec's pulp and paper industry. Using monthly data collected from 37 plants between 1997 and 2003, we show that: (ⅰ) ISO certification does not lead to a reduction in total suspended solid emissions or in quantity of rejected process water; (ⅱ) discharge of biological oxygen demand decreases by about 9 % following certification; (ⅲ) contrary to the group of plants that did not adopt the ISO norm, the adopting plants did not experience a significant negative trend in emissions over our sample period. Moreover, our results show that the impact of ISO is very variable across adopting plants. If some plants considerably reduce emissions following certification, we find that most adopters either maintain or even increase emissions after being ISO accredited.
机译:本文测试了采用国际标准ISO 14001是否会对魁北克制浆造纸业的环境绩效产生重大影响。使用1997年至2003年间每月从37家工厂收集的数据,我们发现:(ⅰ)ISO认证不会减少总的悬浮固体排放量或拒绝的工艺用水量; (ⅱ)获得认证后,生物需氧量的排放量减少了约9%; (ⅲ)与未采用ISO规范的一组工厂相反,在我们的采样期内,采用这些工厂的排放并未出现明显的负趋势。而且,我们的结果表明,ISO的影响在采用的工厂之间变化很大。如果某些工厂在获得认证后大大减少了排放量,我们发现大多数采用者在获得ISO认证后都保持甚至增加了排放量。



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