首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental biology >Impacts of crude oil on the germination and growth of cress seeds (Lepidium sp.) after bioremediation of agricultural soil polluted with crude petroleum using 'adapted' Pseudomonas putida.

Impacts of crude oil on the germination and growth of cress seeds (Lepidium sp.) after bioremediation of agricultural soil polluted with crude petroleum using 'adapted' Pseudomonas putida.

机译:使用“改良的”恶臭假单胞菌对受到原油污染的农业土壤进行生物修复后,原油对水芹种子(Lepidium sp。)萌发和生长的影响。

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The impacts of crude oil on the germination, growth and morphology of cress seeds (Lepidium sp.) after bioremediation of agricultural soil polluted with crude petroleum using "adapted" Pseudomonas putida (PP) were examined for 15 days. At day 15 there was 100/100 germination in the untreated control samples, the mean height of the sedlings was 75.8 ±2.6 mm and all appeared to have grown morphological normal.
机译:使用“改良的”恶臭假单胞菌(PP)生物修复了被原油污染的农业土壤后,原油对水芹种子(Lepidium sp。)的萌发,生长和形态的影响进行了15天的检查。在第15天,未处理的对照样品中发芽100/100,幼苗的平均高度为75.8±2.6mm,并且所有形态均生长正常。



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