首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power >Two-Dimensional Spectroscopic Observation of Nonluminous Flames in a Regenerative Industrial Furnace Using Coal Gas

Two-Dimensional Spectroscopic Observation of Nonluminous Flames in a Regenerative Industrial Furnace Using Coal Gas


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Thermal and chemical characteristics of the flames obtained from an industrial size regenerative combustion furnace have been obtained spectroscopically. The combustion characteristics of diffusion or premixed flames in the regenerative high-temperature air combustion facility have been examined using coal gas as the fuel. The fuel gas composition consisted of H_2, hydrocarbon, CO, and N_2 . Monochromatic images of the flames have been observed in the emission mode using a CCD camera fitted with an optical band pass filter at the desired wavelength. The two-dimensional temperature distribution in the furnace has been determined using the two-line method by utilizing the Swan emission bands from within the flame. The emission intensity profiles of NO, as well as OH and CH radicals have also been observed spectroscopically. The results showed quite uniform two-dimensional temperature distribution arid emission intensity of OH and CH radical species for the diffusion flame case as compared to the premixed case using high-temperature combustion air. The premixed flame case showed high local values and large flactuations in the combustion zone for both emission intensity and temperature distribution. The temperature distribution of soot panicles in the premixed flame was also determined using the two-color optical method. The results showed high local value of temperature, similar to that found for the gas temperature using signatures for C_2 species at two different wavelengths. In contrast the distribution of temperature for soot particles was different. The location of the maximum soot temperature shifted to downstream positions of the flame as compared to the maximum gas temperature regions measured from the C_2 species. The experimental results are discussed in conjunction with those obtained from the heat simulation analyses.



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