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The brave new world of energy and natural resources development


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The world of energy and natural resources development has changed a great deal over the past 30 months, perhaps more so than in the preceding 30 years. Beginning with the June 2016 vote in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union and continuing through today, there are global signs of increasing emphasis on protecting national sovereignty and less on world efforts to address major environmental and energy issues. Admittedly, the United Nations-based effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions continues to move forward. However, more than a few nations are hinting that they may not live up to their commitments agreed in the form of the Paris Climate Agreement. There is no clearer example than the United States, where since January 2017 President Donald Trump has taken steps to deconstruct the US federal government's role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This article -current as of 1 December - takes account of what is happening around the world in terms of major political changes that will affect the world's ability to address environmental challenges. Special attention is devoted to what is happening in the US under the Trump administration. The final part of the article analyses the impact of the November 2018 midterm election that will see Democrats take charge of the US House of Representatives in January 2019 and the Trump administration environmental, energy and natural resources agenda.
机译:在过去的30个月中,能源和自然资源开发的世界发生了很大的变化,可能比过去30年的变化更大。从2016年6月英国退出欧盟的投票开始一直持续到今天,全球迹象表明,人们越来越重视保护国家主权,而不再关注世界为解决重大环境和能源问题所做的努力。诚然,基于联合国的减少温室气体排放的努力继续向前发展。但是,有多个国家暗示他们可能不履行《巴黎气候协定》形式达成的承诺。没有比美国更清楚的例子了。自2017年1月以来,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)采取了步骤,以破坏美国联邦政府在减少温室气体排放中的作用。这篇文章-截至12月1日,目前-从重大政治变化的角度考虑了世界各地正在发生的事情,这将影响世界应对环境挑战的能力。特别关注特朗普政府领导下的美国正在发生的事情。文章的最后部分分析了2018年11月中期选举的影响,民主党将在2019年1月掌管美国众议院以及特朗普政府的环境,能源和自然资源议程。



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