首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Materials >Analysis of Current–Voltage Measurements on Long-Wavelength HgCdTe Photodiodes Fabricated on Si Composite Substrates

Analysis of Current–Voltage Measurements on Long-Wavelength HgCdTe Photodiodes Fabricated on Si Composite Substrates


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We have performed a detailed study of dark current versus voltage to understand existing limitations in dark current and address the nonuniformity of dark current in devices fabricated on HgCdTe grown on silicon substrates. One interesting observation is that trap-assisted tunneling, g-r currents, are not found close to zero bias in certain devices. Devices from the low end of the R 0 A distribution show heavy shunting paths close to zero bias. We believe that these shunting paths may be the limiting cause of tail distributions in fabricated focal plane array tail distributions. Possible causes for these shunting paths are surface charges associated with dislocation cores and impurity gettering at dislocation cores. The measured non-anti-reflection (AR)-coated quantum efficiency (QE) was 0.576 at 78 K and displays the classical response versus wavelength. The measured QE on isolated single devices is consistent with the 256 × 256 focal-plane array mean QE. Obtained average dark currents are on the order of mid 10−5 A cm–2, which is one order of magnitude higher than dark currents obtained from arrays on lattice-matched substrates. On average, arrays on lattice-mismatched substrates show performance characteristics inferior to those of arrays fabricated on lattice-matched substrates. This inferior performance is due to array pixel operability, as can be seen from the tail of the distribution and the average dark currents, which are one order of magnitude higher than those obtained on lattice-matched substrates.
机译:我们已经对暗电流与电压进行了详细的研究,以了解暗电流的现有局限性并解决在硅基板上生长的HgCdTe上制造的器件中暗电流的不均匀性。一个有趣的发现是,在某些器件中没有发现陷阱辅助隧穿g-r电流接近零偏置。 R 0 A分布的低端设备显示出接近零偏置的较重分流路径。我们认为,这些分流路径可能是制造焦平面阵列尾部分布中尾部分布的限制原因。这些分流路径的可能原因是与位错核心相关的表面电荷和位错核心处的杂质吸收。在78 K时测得的无增透膜(AR)涂层的量子效率(QE)为0.576,显示了经典响应与波长的关系。在隔离的单个设备上测得的QE与256×256焦平面阵列平均QE一致。获得的平均暗电流约为10 −5 A cm -2 的数量级,比晶格匹配基板上的阵列获得的暗电流高一个数量级。 。平均而言,晶格不匹配的基板上的阵列表现出的性能特性不如晶格匹配的基板上制造的阵列。从分布的尾部和平均暗电流可以看出,这种较差的性能归因于阵列像素的可操作性,这比在晶格匹配基板上获得的平均暗电流高一个数量级。



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