首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Materials >Improved Thermoelectric Properties of (GeTe)90(AgySb2−yTe3−y)10 by Tuning the Ag-to-Sb Ratio

Improved Thermoelectric Properties of (GeTe)90(AgySb2−yTe3−y)10 by Tuning the Ag-to-Sb Ratio

机译:(GeTe) 90 (Ag y Sb 2-y Te 3-y 10

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(GeTe)90(Ag y Sb2−y Te3−y )10 (y = 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0) compounds were prepared by combining melting and hot pressing, and the thermoelectric properties were studied over the temperature range of 300 K to 770 K. Powder x-ray diffraction results revealed that all the samples were the rhombohedral phase with space group R3m. The electrical conductivity of samples decreased with temperature, while the Seebeck coefficient increased. The thermal conductivity of all the samples was very low, especially for those with the lower y values. High ZT values above 1.6 were obtained for the samples with y = 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8.
机译:(GeTe) 90 (Ag y Sb 2-y Te 3-y 10 (y = 0.6,0.7,0.8,1.0)通过熔融和热压相结合的方法制备的化合物,并在300 K至770 K的温度范围内研究了热电性能。粉末X射线衍射结果表明,所有样品为菱形面相,空间群为R3m。样品的电导率随温度降低,而塞贝克系数则升高。所有样品的热导率都非常低,尤其是那些y值较低的样品。对于y = 0.6、0.7和0.8的样本,获得了高于1.6的高ZT值。



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