首页> 外文期刊>Journal of electronic imaging >Improving the detection of low-density weapons in x-ray luggage scans using image enhancement and novel scene-decluttering techniques

Improving the detection of low-density weapons in x-ray luggage scans using image enhancement and novel scene-decluttering techniques


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Very few image processing applications have dealt with x-ray luggage scenes in the past. Concealed threats in general, and low-density items in particular, pose a major challenge to airport screeners. A simple enhancement method for data decluttering is introduced. Initially, the method is applied using manually selected thresholds to progressively generate decluttered slices. Further automation of the algorithm, using a novel metric based on the Radon transform, is conducted to determine the optimum number and values of thresholds and to generate a single optimum slice for screener interpretation. A comparison of the newly developed metric to other known metrics demonstrates the merits of the new approach. On-site quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the various decluttered images by airport screeners further establishes that the single slice from the image hashing algorithm outperforms traditional enhancement techniques with a noted increase of 58% in low-density threat detection rates.



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