首页> 外文期刊>The journal of electronic defense >Australia's Defence 2000 White Paper

Australia's Defence 2000 White Paper


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The Defence Capability Plan The government has launched a new approach to capability planning by preparing a detailed, costed plan for our Defence Force over the next 10 years. The aim is to provide the ADF with clear long-term goals for its development, and the funding needed to achieve these goals. This is an impor-ant element of the government's program of continuous improvement in de-ence management and the plan will also provide a firm basis to develop and monitor further efficiency reforms in the delivery of capability. The Plan has been developed on he basis of through-life costing estimates for the different types of capabil-ty the government believes the ADF should have, covering not only the ini-ial capital investment required, but also personnel, operating, support and upgrade costs. It will be revised annu-lly, within the ten-year budget con-traint, to take account of changing trategic circumstances, new technolo-ies, and changed priorities. Individual rojects will need to be considered and pproved by government before pro-eeding. Nevertheless, the Defence Capability Plan will provide a clear basis for defence-capability decisions now and into the future.



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