首页> 外文期刊>Journal of education for library and information science >Community Informatics Studio: Designing Experiential Learning to Support Teaching, Research, and Practice

Community Informatics Studio: Designing Experiential Learning to Support Teaching, Research, and Practice

机译:Community Informatics Studio:设计体验式学习以支持教学,研究和实践

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This paper introduces a model of experiential learning to support teaching, research, and practice in library and information science (LIS). The concept we call Community Informatics (Cl) Studio uses studio-based learning (SBL) to support enculturation into the field of CI. The SBL approach, closely related to John Dewey's inquiry-based learning, is rooted in the apprenticeship model of learning in which students study with master designers or artists to develop their craft. Our paper begins with a review of literature to frame our research before introducing our analysis of the Cl Studio course. Using the first three semesters of the course as case studies, the goal of the paper was to present three related investigations that emerged from our over-arching research question: How can the Cl Studio be understood as a model of experiential learning to support LIS teaching, research, and practice?
机译:本文介绍了一种体验式学习模型,以支持图书馆和信息科学(LIS)的教学,研究和实践。我们称为社区信息学(Cl)Studio的概念使用基于工作室的学习(SBL)支持对CI领域的培养。 SBL方法与John Dewey的基于探究的学习紧密相关,它植根于学徒制学习模型,在该模型中,学生与大师设计师或艺术家一起学习以开发其手艺。在介绍我们对Cl Studio课程的分析之前,我们的文章首先回顾了文献以构成我们的研究框架。以课程的前三个学期为案例研究,本文的目的是提出三个相关的研究,这些研究来自我们的总体研究问题:如何将Cl Studio理解为支持LIS教学的体验式学习模型,研究和实践?



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