首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Psychology >Awareness of low self-control: Theory and evidence from a homeless shelter

Awareness of low self-control: Theory and evidence from a homeless shelter


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Survey measures of self-control provide a potential low-cost alternative to incentivized elicitation. However, asking respondents to introspect on their self-control problems may instead measure their awareness of them, especially in populations with low self-control. We illustrate this with the Ameriks, Caplin, Leahy, and Tyler (2007) survey, which captures self-control problems through the deviation between self-reported ideal and predicted behavior (Expected Deviation, ED). Previous empirical evidence from high income or highly educated populations correlates larger ED with worse outcomes. We theoretically show that the reverse will be true in settings where awareness can play a large role: when self-control is low and costly commitment devices are available. We empirically show that, for residents of a homeless shelter, ED is positively correlated to savings in shelter lock boxes, a costly commitment device. This correlation is stronger for those likely to experience more self-control problems: individuals with past addiction problems. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:自我控制的调查措施提供了一种诱因诱因的潜在低成本替代方案。但是,让受访者对自己的自我控制问题进行反思,反而可以衡量他们对自我控制问题的意识,尤其是在自我控制能力低的人群中。我们通过Ameriks,Caplin,Leahy和Tyler(2007)的调查来说明这一点,该调查通过自我报告的理想行为与预期行为之间的偏差来捕捉自我控制问题(预期偏差,ED)。以前来自高收入或受过高等教育的人群的经验证据表明,较大的ED与较差的结果相关。我们从理论上证明,在意识可以发挥重要作用的环境中,情况恰恰相反:当自我控制能力低下并且有昂贵的承诺设备时。我们的经验表明,对于无家可归者收容所的居民来说,ED与收容所锁箱(一种昂贵的承诺装置)的节省成正相关。对于那些可能会遇到更多自我控制问题的人(过去有上瘾问题的人),这种相关性更强。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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