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Walking the Tightrope on Medicare Reform


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The most striking feature of the current debate over Medicare reform is the disagreement about even the basic goals of reform. Medicare is a major fiscal responsibility and has increased in cost far more rapidly than the average rate of growth of the economy. Medicare is currently 2.5 percent of GDP ($5,500 per beneficiary) and is expected to more than double in the next half century, even under very conservative assumptions. Some people, therefore, argue that the primary goal of Medicare reform is to slow the growth rate of the program. But Medicare also has very limited benefits. It does not cover outpatient prescription drugs or a significant part of long-term care expenses. Lack of complete coverage may have important effects on the health of the elderly. Others, therefore, argue that Medicare reform should concentrate primarily on enhancing the program's generosity.
机译:当前有关医疗保险改革的辩论中最显着的特征是,即使对改革的基本目标也意见分歧。医疗保险是一项主要的财政责任,其成本增长远快于经济的平均增长率。医疗保险目前占国内生产总值的2.5%(每个受益人$ 5,500),即使在非常保守的假设下,在下半个世纪,医疗保险也有望翻一番。因此,有些人认为,医疗保险改革的主要目标是放慢该计划的增长率。但是Medicare的好处也非常有限。它不包括门诊处方药或很大一部分的长期护理费用。缺乏完整的覆盖范围可能会对老年人的健康产生重要影响。因此,其他人则认为,医疗保险改革应主要集中在提高该计划的慷慨性上。



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