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Trends in aggregate concentration in the United States


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Back in 1976, a writer for New York magazine considered the wave of corporate mergers and takeovers then taking place and the implication that an increasing share of economic activity was occurring inside fewer corporations and penned a tongue-in-cheek essay tided "March 3, 1998: The Day They Couldn't Fill the 'Fortune' 500" (Tobias, 1976). Little did he know that in the mid-1970s, he had not yet seen the large merger wave of the 1980s and the tsunami merger wave of the late 1990s. The annual total value of large mergers hovered under USD100 billion per year through the 1960s and 1970s, according to the two main sources of data in this area, Mergerstat Review and Mergers & Acquisitions magazine. During the merger wave of the 1980s, the total value of mergers exceeded USD200 billion per year for a few years in the late 1980s and early 1990s. But from 1998 to 2000, the annual value of large mergers was well over USD1 trillion per year, involving from 8,000 to 10,000 separate deals each year. Even when the annual number or value of these large mergers is adjusted by measures that reflect the larger size of the U.S. economy, the merger wave of the late 1990s looms large in historical perspective.
机译:早在1976年,《纽约》杂志的一位作家考虑了当时公司并购和收购的浪潮,以及暗示着越来越少的公司内部发生的经济活动所占份额越来越大,并暗示说“ 3月3日, 1998年:他们无法填补“财富” 500强的日子”(Tobias,1976年)。他几乎不知道在1970年代中期,他还没有看到1980年代的大规模合并浪潮和1990年代后期的海啸合并浪潮。根据《 Mergerstat评论》和《 Merges&Acquisitions》杂志这方面的两个主要数据来源,到1960年代和1970年代,大型并购的年总价值每年徘徊在1000亿美元以下。在1980年代的合并浪潮中,在1980年代末和1990年代初的几年中,合并的总价值每年超过2000亿美元。但是从1998年到2000年,大型并购的年价值每年超过1万亿美元,每年涉及8,000到10,000笔独立交易。即使通过反映美国经济规模较大的措施来调整这些大型合并的年度数量或价值,从历史的角度来看,1990年代后期的合并浪潮也隐约可见。



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