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The Capital Asset Pricing Model


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A fundamental question in finance is how the risk of an investment should affect its expected return. The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) provided the first coherent framework for answering this question. The CAPM was developed in the early 1960s by William Sharpe (1964), Jack Treynor (1962), John Lintner (1965a, b) and Jan Mossin (1966). The CAPM is based on the idea that not all risks should affect asset prices. In particular, a risk that can be diversified away when held along with other investments in a portfolio is, in a very real way, not a risk at all. The CAPM gives us insights about what kind of risk is related to return. This paper lays out the key ideas of the Capital Asset Pricing Model, places its development in a historical context, and discusses its applications and enduring importance to the field of finance.
机译:财务中的一个基本问题是投资风险应如何影响其预期收益。资本资产定价模型(CAPM)提供了第一个连贯的框架来回答这个问题。 CAPM由William Sharpe(1964),Jack Treynor(1962),John Lintner(1965a,b)和Jan Mossin(1966)于1960年代初期开发。 CAPM基于并非所有风险都应影响资产价格的思想。特别是,与组合中的其他投资一起持有时可以分散的风险从根本上说根本不是一种风险。 CAPM为我们提供了有关与回报相关的风险的见解。本文列出了资本资产定价模型的主要思想,将其发展置于历史背景下,并讨论了其应用和在金融领域的持久重要性。



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