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Horizons of Understanding: A Review of Ray Fair s Estimating How the Macroeconomy Works

机译:理解的视野:雷·费尔(Ra Fair)的宏观经济估计

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Ray Fair's Estimating How the Macroeconomy Works is the latest in a series of books by Fair that build, estimate, and apply his macroeconometric model to study the U. S. economy. In this book, Fair updates the model to incorporate the most recent data and uses it to analyze several important empirical questions, such as whether the U.S. economy moved into a new age of high productivity in the last half of the 1990s and the dynamics of prices, output, and unemployment. This review places his work in the context of the historical evolution of aggregate econometric models, compares it with the current developments in the estimation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models, and discusses some salient aspects of Fair's contributions.
机译:雷·费尔(Ray Fair)的《估计宏观经济的运作方式》是费尔(Fair)系列丛书中的最新著作,这些书建立,估计并应用了他的宏观经济计量模型来研究美国经济。在这本书中,Fair更新了模型以合并最新数据,并使用它来分析几个重要的经验问题,例如美国经济在1990年代后半期是否进入了高生产率的新时代以及价格的动态变化,产出和失业。本文将他的工作放在总体计量经济模型的历史演变背景下,并将其与动态随机一般均衡模型的估计中的当前发展相比较,并讨论了Fair贡献的一些重要方面。



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