首页> 外文期刊>Journal of economic issues >Identifying Opportunities to Participate in Advanced Energy: An Investigation into Estimating Real Capacity for Green Manufacturing and Structural Reform

Identifying Opportunities to Participate in Advanced Energy: An Investigation into Estimating Real Capacity for Green Manufacturing and Structural Reform


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Global climate change will require changes in how we produce energy. At the same time, recent geopolitical events combined with the COVID-19 outbreak is certain to lead to a reevaluation of global supply chains. Taken in combination it is likely that market and policy changes will create significant opportunities for the domestic manufacture of the components associated with the production of "green" energy. Using a combination of NAICS industrial data and proprietary firm data, that is scalable to the national level, we attempt to determine the real capacity for Wisconsin State manufacturers to participate in the component supply chain associated with wind and solar power. We find that, despite extensive industry and firm data, there are significant gaps in our ability to estimate firm-level output, in real terms, in the aggregate. This finding is indicative of the significant challenges associated with rapid structure economic reform such as the "Green New Deal" or the COVID response. Attempting to bridge this gap, this work provides the data requirements to apply firm-level supply chain mapping methodologies to the State or National economies.
机译:全球气候变化需要改变我们如何产生能量。与此同时,最近的地缘政治事件与Covid-19爆发相结合,肯定会导致全球供应链的重新评估。组合采取的是市场和政策变化将为国内制造与“绿色”能量相关的部件制造的重要机会。利用NAICS Industrib数据和专有的公司数据的组合,可扩展到国家一级,我们试图确定威斯康星州国家制造商参与与风力和太阳能相关的元件供应链的真正能力。我们发现,尽管具有广泛的行业和公司数据,但我们在估计公司级别产出的能力中存在显着差距,实际上是在总体中。这一发现表明与快速结构经济改革相关的重大挑战,如“绿色新交易”或Covid反应。尝试弥合这项差距,这项工作提供了数据要求,以应用于国家或国家经济的公司水平供应链映射方法。



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