首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Inequality >Region-specific versus country-specific poverty lines in analysis of poverty

Region-specific versus country-specific poverty lines in analysis of poverty


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An analysis of poverty based on a country-specific income poverty line suffers from disregarding regional differences in prices and needs within a country and may, therefore, produce results that give a misleading picture of the extent of poverty as well as the geographic and demographic composition of the poor. To account for differences in prices and needs, this paper introduces an alternative method for identifying the poor based on a set of region-specific poverty lines. Applying Norwegian household register data for 2001 we find that the national level of poverty is only slightly affected by the change in definition of poverty line. However, the geographic as well as the demographic poverty profiles are shown to depend heavily on whether the method for identifying the poor relies on region- or country-specific thresholds. As expected, the results demonstrate that an analysis of poverty based on a country-specific threshold produces downward biased poverty rates in urban areas and upward biased poverty rates in rural areas. Moreover, when region-specific poverty thresholds form the basis of the poverty analysis, we find that the poverty rates among young singles and non-western immigrants are significantly higher than what is suggested by previous empirical evidence based on a joint country-specific poverty line.
机译:基于国家特定收入贫困线的贫困分析会忽略一国内部价格和需求的区域差异,因此可能产生的结果令人对贫困程度以及地理和人口构成产生误解穷人。考虑到价格和需求的差异,本文介绍了一种基于一组特定于区域的贫困线来识别贫困者的替代方法。应用挪威2001年的户籍数据,我们发现,国家贫困线仅受贫困线定义变化的影响很小。但是,地理和人口贫困状况在很大程度上取决于识别贫困者的方法是否取决于特定地区或特定国家的阈值。正如预期的那样,结果表明,基于特定国家/地区的阈值进行的贫困分析会导致城市地区的贫困率下降,而农村地区的贫困率上升。此外,当特定地区的贫困线阈值构成贫困分析的基础时,我们发现年轻单身人士和非西方移民的贫困率大大高于先前基于特定国家联合贫困线的经验证据所表明的贫困率。 。



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