首页> 外文期刊>Journal of design history >A New History of Temporal Typography: Towards Fluid Letterforms

A New History of Temporal Typography: Towards Fluid Letterforms


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Fluid typographic forms (letters, numbers and other characters), which transform over time to present new identities, are employed in a new kind of temporal typography. These forms, and the behaviours they exhibit, are most commonly seen in temporal media, including television idents, credit sequences and typographic animation. However, fluidity is dependent upon characteristics that were developed historically, from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries. It has become possible to retrospectively identify the ways that historical developments anticipated fluid transformation in temporal typography. Some categories of fluid behaviour would be impossible if it were not for the concept of the letter as malleable, as a three-dimensional object, or as modular. These characteristics permit processes, or fluid behaviours, through which a new identity is introduced to a changing form. This article demonstrates that these three characteristics are reflected in three historical developments: the use of the transformable grid in the development of Romain du Roi, three-dimensional nineteenth-century typefaces and the modular lettering of Josef Albers, Theo van Doesburg and Bart van der Leck.
机译:随时间变化以呈现新身份的流体印刷形式(字母,数字和其他字符)被用于一种新型的时间印刷中。这些形式及其表现出的行为在时态媒体中最为常见,包括电视广告,字幕序列和印刷动画。但是,流动性取决于从17世纪到20世纪历史发展的特征。回顾历史发展预测时间印刷中流体变化的方式已经成为可能。如果不是字母的概念具有延展性,三维对象或模块性,则某些类型的流体行为是不可能的。这些特征允许过程或行为,通过这种过程或行为,将新的身份引入变化的形式。本文证明了这三个特征体现在三个历史发展中:在Romain du Roi的发展中使用可变形网格,19世纪的三维字体以及约瑟夫·阿尔伯斯,西奥·范·杜斯堡和巴特·范德的模块化字体莱克。



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