首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Reproductive Performance of Holstein Cows Receiving Somatotropin

Reproductive Performance of Holstein Cows Receiving Somatotropin


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Some dairy producers resist using bovine somato- tropin (bST) beginning at 9 wk postpartum because of the concern that fertility is compromised. We conducted a trial with a total of 205 Holstein cows, 100 multipa- rous and 105 primiparous, to evaluate reproductive per- formance in two high producing herds in Arizona and southern California. Rolling herd averages for both herds for milk production exceeded 10,700 kg/yr. Data were collected for cows calving December 1996 through Angust 1997. The voluntary waiting period was 60 d postcalving, with cows randomly assigned to receive bST or no treatment (controls). In the 180-d interval after calving, 65.4/100 (68/104) of the control cows were diagnosed pregnant. With bST-treated cows, 48.5/100 (49/ 101) were pregnant in that same interval. A chi-square value from a linear model indicated that pregnancy outcome differed significantly between treatment groups. With a similar method of analysis, first-service conception rate was not significantly different between treatment groups. An extended voluntary wait and breeding interval is recommended for cows receiving bST, similar to suggestions from other published reports.
机译:由于担心生育能力受到影响,一些乳制品生产商拒绝在产后9周开始使用牛生长激素(bST)。我们对总共205头荷斯坦奶牛,100头多头母牛和105头初产母牛进行了一项试验,以评估亚利桑那州和南加利福尼亚州的两个高产牛群的繁殖性能。两种奶牛的产奶量平均值超过10,700公斤/年。收集了1996年12月至1997年8月产犊的母牛的数据。自愿等待时间为产犊后60 d,将母牛随机分配为接受bST或不接受任何治疗(对照)。在产犊后的180天间隔中,有65.4 / 100(68/104)的对照牛被诊断为怀孕。对于接受bST治疗的母牛,在相同的时间间隔内怀孕率为48.5 / 100(49/101)。线性模型的卡方值表明治疗组之间的妊娠结局显着不同。使用类似的分析方法,治疗组之间的初次服务受孕率没有显着差异。与其他已发表报告的建议相似,建议对接受bST的母牛延长自愿等待和繁殖间隔。



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