首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >The Detection and Avoidance of Lead-Contaminated Herbage by Dairy Cows

The Detection and Avoidance of Lead-Contaminated Herbage by Dairy Cows


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Lead from industry, and vehicles in some countries, can contaminate cattle pastures. We determined the concentrations of lead on herbage that cows can detect. Four cows were trained in a four-lane maze to detect an herbage sample that was superficially contaminated with 240 mg Pb/kg from three uncontaminated samples, and four were trained to detect an uncontaminated sample from three contaminated samples. Pb concentrations were reduced until the cows could not discriminate between samples, which occurred at 30 to 60 mg/ kg. In a second experiment, 12 cows were allocated to two groups that grazed either pasture with added Pb (86 mg/kg) or pasture with no added Pb for 4 wk. Lead reduced grazing time and pasture biting rates, leading to an increase in herbage height. Immediately afterwards, these cows were grazed for 4 wk on a mosaic of 18 plots with no added lead, a low Pb level (67 mg/kg), or a high Pb level (102 mg/kg) (Experiment 3). Lead reduced grazing time and pasture biting rate, particularly at the high level. Plots without added Pb were grazed to the shortest height, and plots treated with Pb at 102 mg/kg were tallest. Prior exposure to Pb increased grazing time, especially on the high Pb level, and it increased the rate of biting pasture without Pb. To understand these phenomena, herbage samples from Experiments 2 and 3 were incubated in rumen liquor and artificial saLiva, and gas production was measured over 48 h. In both experiments, the application of Pb reduced the rate of gas production or total gas production. It is concluded that cows can detect Pb on herbage, that it reduces their grazing time and pasture biting rate, and that they prefer to graze pasture without Pb. The aversion to Pb on pasture, which may be due to adverse effects on ruminal digestion, diminishes over time.
机译:工业中的铅以及某些国家的车辆可能污染牛场。我们确定了奶牛可以检测到的草中铅的浓度。在四车道迷宫中对四头母牛进行了培训,以检测从三个未污染的样品中被240 mg Pb / kg表面污染的牧草样品,对四个母牛进行了培训,以从三个污染的样品中检测未污染的样品。铅的浓度会降低,直到母牛无法区分样品为止,样品的浓度为30至60 mg / kg。在第二个实验中,将12头母牛分为两组,分别放牧4周增加Pb(86 mg / kg)或不添加Pb的牧场。铅减少了放牧时间,降低了牧草咬食率,导致牧草高度增加。之后,立即将这些母牛放牧在18个地块上,无铅,低Pb水平(67 mg / kg)或高Pb水平(102 mg / kg)的草地上放牧4周(实验3)。铅减少了放牧时间,降低了牧草咬入率,特别是在高水平时。将未添加铅的地块放牧至最短高度,以102 mg / kg铅处理的地块最高。事先暴露于Pb会增加放牧时间,尤其是在高Pb水平下,这会增加没有Pb的牧场的咬食率。为了理解这些现象,将实验2和3的草料样品在瘤胃液和人造唾液中孵育,并在48小时内测量产气量。在两个实验中,Pb的使用都会降低产气率或总产气量。结论是,奶牛可以在牧草上检测到Pb,减少了放牧时间并降低了牧场的咬食率,并且他们更喜欢在没有Pb的情况下放牧牧场。随着时间的推移,牧场上对铅的厌恶感可能会降低,这可能是由于对瘤胃消化的不利影响所致。



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