首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Computer-controlled milk feeding of dairy calves: The effects of number of calves per feeder and number of milk portions on use of feeder and social behavior

Computer-controlled milk feeding of dairy calves: The effects of number of calves per feeder and number of milk portions on use of feeder and social behavior


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One hundred ninety-two calves (Holstein-Friesian, Danish Red, and Jersey) were allocated to either groups of 24 calves or groups of 12 calves with one computer-controlled milk feeder per group. Within group, one-half of the calves were offered the daily milk allowance in either 4 or 8 milk portions. In groups with 24 calves, there was a higher level of competition for access to the feeder than in groups with 12 calves. Calves waited longer for access, and while occupying the feeder, they were more often disturbed by other calves attempting to access the feeder. The increased level of competition resulted in a higher rate of milk ingestion among calves in groups of 24 and, as a result, a lower duration of time spent ingesting the milk and a lower occupation of the feeder per calf. The number of calves per feeder did not affect the amount of milk ingested, but the high level of disturbance and the increased feeding rate with 24 calves per feeder suggest that these calves were subject to social constraint. Offering the same milk allowance in 4 rather than 8 milk portions lowered the occupancy of the feeder. The number of portions did not affect the duration of ingesting milk, but the duration of occupying the feeder just after milk ingestion was lower with 4 than with 8 milk portions. Thus, fewer and larger portions may lower competition for access during the activity periods if all other factors remain equal. [References: 18]
机译:将一百九十二只犊牛(荷斯坦-弗里斯兰,丹麦红和泽西岛)分配给24头犊牛组或12头犊牛组,每组一台计算机控制的牛奶喂食器。在小组中,一半的犊牛每天提供4或8份牛奶的牛奶补贴。与有十二头犊牛的组相比,在有二十头犊牛的组中,获取给料机的竞争更高。犊牛等待时间更长,而在占用喂食器的同时,它们经常受到其他试图进入喂食器的犊牛的干扰。竞争水平的提高导致每组24只犊牛的乳汁吸收率更高,因此,摄入乳汁的时间缩短,每头犊牛的饲喂器占用减少。每个饲喂器的犊牛数量没有影响摄入的牛奶量,但是每只饲喂器有24头犊牛,其干扰程度很高,且饲喂率增加,这表明这些犊牛受到社会的制约。在4而不是8的牛奶份量中提供相同的牛奶余量可以降低喂料器的占用率。份数不影响摄取牛奶的持续时间,但刚摄取牛奶后占用喂食器的持续时间(4份)比8份牛奶要短。因此,如果所有其他因素保持相等,则更少和更大的部分可能会降低活动期间的访问竞争。 [参考:18]



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