首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Prepartum Intake, Postpartum Induction of Ketosis, and Periparturient Disorders Affect the Metabolic Status of Dairy Cows

Prepartum Intake, Postpartum Induction of Ketosis, and Periparturient Disorders Affect the Metabolic Status of Dairy Cows


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Nutritional management during the dry period may affect susceptibility of cows to metabolic and infectious diseases during the periparturient period. Thirty-five multiparous Holstein cows were used to determine the effect of prepartum intake, postpartum induction of ke-tosis, and periparturient disorders on metabolic status. Cows were fed a diet from dry-off to parturition at either ad libitum intake or restricted intake [RI; 80% of calculated net energy for lactation (NE_L) requirement]. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet. At 4 d in milk (DIM), cows underwent a physical examination and were classified as healthy or having at least one periparturient disorder (PD). Healthy cows were assigned to the control (n = 6) group or the ketosis induction (KI; n = 9) group. Cows with PD were assigned to the PD control (PDC; n = 17) group. Cows in the control and PDC groups were fed for ad libitum intake. Cows in the KI group were fed at 50% of their intake on 4 DIM from 5 to 14 DIM or until signs of clinical ketosis were observed; then, cows were returned to ad libitum intake. During the dry period, ad libitum cows ate more than RI cows; the difference in intake resulted in ad libitum cows that were in positive energy balance (142% of NE_L requirement) and RI cows that were in negative energy balance (85% of NE_L requirement). Prepartum intake resulted in changes in serum metabolites consistent with plane of nutrition and energy balance. Prepartum intake had no effect on postpartum intake, serum metabolites, or milk yield, but total lipid content of liver at 1 d postpartum was greater for ad libitum cows than for RI cows. The PD cows had lower intake and milk yield during the first 4 DIM than did healthy cows. During the ketosis induction period, KI cows had lower intake, milk yield, and serum glucose concentration but higher concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate in serum as well as total lipid and triacylglycerol in liver than did control cows. Cows with PD had only modest alterations in metabolic variables in blood and liver compared with healthy cows. The negative effects of PD and KI on metabolic status and milk yield were negligible by 42 DIM, although cows with PD had lower body condition score and BW. Prepartum intake did not affect postpartum metabolic status or milk yield. Periparturient disorders and induction of ketosis negatively affected metabolic status and milk yield during the first 14 DIM.
机译:干旱期的营养管理可能会影响围产期奶牛对代谢和传染病的敏感性。 35头多胎荷斯坦奶牛用于确定产前摄入量,产后酮症的诱发和围产期疾病对代谢状态的影响。随意摄入或限制摄入量的母牛从干dry到分娩都被喂食。计算的哺乳期净能量(NE_L)要求的80%]。分娩后,所有母牛都接受了泌乳饮食。在牛奶中第4天(DIM),对母牛进行了身体检查,被分类为健康或患有至少一种围产期疾病(PD)。将健康的母牛分为对照组(n = 6)组或诱导酮症(KI; n = 9)组。患有PD的母牛被分配到PD对照(PDC; n = 17)组。对照组和PDC组的母牛自由采食。 KI组的母牛在5 DIM至14 DIM的4 DIM或以观察到临床酮症的迹象喂养其摄入量的50%。然后,母牛自由采食。在干旱时期,自由放牧的母牛比RI母牛吃得更多;采食量的差异导致自由奶牛的能量平衡为正(NE_L需求的142%)和RI牛的能量平衡为负(NE_L需求的85%)。产前摄入会导致血清代谢物发生变化,与营养和能量平衡有关。产前摄入对产后摄入,血清代谢产物或产奶量没有影响,但自由产奶牛产后1天肝脏的总脂质含量高于RI奶牛。与健康的母牛相比,前4个DIM期间PD母牛的摄入量和产奶量较低。在酮症诱导期,KI奶牛的采食量,产奶量和血清葡萄糖浓度较低,但血清中非酯化脂肪酸和β-羟基丁酸酯以及肝脏中的总脂质和三酰基甘油的浓度较高。与健康奶牛相比,PD奶牛的血液和肝脏代谢变量只有中等程度的变化。 PD和KI对代谢状态和产奶量的负面影响被42 DIM忽略不计,尽管PD患病母牛的身体状况评分和BW较低。产前摄入不会影响产后代谢状况或产奶量。在前14个DIM期间,围产期疾病和酮症诱导对代谢状态和产奶量产生负面影响。



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