首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Effects of housing, management, and health of dairy heifers on first-lactation udder health in Southwest Sweden.

Effects of housing, management, and health of dairy heifers on first-lactation udder health in Southwest Sweden.


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Data on health, management, and housing from birth to first calving were collected for 2,126 heifers on semi-monthly visits made by project veterinarians to 107 dairy herds from southwest Sweden. Additional data were obtained from the official milk- and health-recording program. Factors associated with incidence of veterinarian-treated clinical mastitis (VTCM) in the period 7 d before (d -7) to 30 d after first calving and of elevated cow composite somatic cell count (SCC, >=200 000 cells/mL) at first test milking after first calving, respectively, were investigated using a 2-level (animal and herd) logistic regression analysis after initial screening by univariate analyses. The incidence risk of VTCM during the complete first lactation (305 d) was 10.8%. Ten percent of the diseased animals had more than 1 case of VTCM and 51% of total cases occurred from -7 to 30 d postcalving. The incidence rate of VTCM during the complete first 305-d lactation was 1.13 cases per 100 cow-mo. In total, 18.1% of the animals had elevated SCC at first test milking (mean 21 d) after calving. Veterinarian-treated clinical mastitis at -7 to 30 d postcalving was associated with higher overall incidence of mastitis in the herd and with reproductive disorders (i.e., retained placenta, endometritis, pyometra, dystocia, or twin birth). The risk of elevated SCC increased with increasing percentage of cows in the herd that, some time during the year, had had an increased udder disease score (chronically increased SCC). Other factors associated with increased risk of elevated SCC were increasing amounts of concentrates fed to 11- to 16-mo-old heifers, moving to confined housing the day of calving instead of earlier, and use of restraint measures at milking. In addition, growth rate from birth to weaning, and several feed-related variables (e.g., amount of concentrates and type of roughage given) were associated with VTCM at -7 to 30 d post-calving or elevated SCC at first test milking in the univariate analyses..
机译:项目兽医每半个月对瑞典西南部的107个奶牛群进行探访,收集了2126头小母牛的健康,管理和住房数据,从出生到第一次产犊。从官方的牛奶和健康记录计划获得了更多数据。第一次产犊前7 d(d -7)至30 d期间与兽医治疗的临床乳腺炎(VTCM)的发病率相关的因素以及牛复合体细胞计数(SCC,> = 200 000细胞/ mL)升高的因素在通过单变量分析进行初步筛选后,分别使用2级(动物和畜群)逻辑回归分析研究了第一次产犊后的第一次试验挤奶。完全第一次泌乳(305 d)期间VTCM的发生风险为10.8%。百分之十的患病动物有1例以上的VTCM,占总数的51%发生在产犊后-7至30 d。完全第305天泌乳期间VTCM的发生率为每100头牛1.13例。总共,有18.1%的动物在产犊后第一次测试挤奶(平均21天)时SCC升高。产犊后-7至30天接受兽医治疗的临床乳腺炎与牛群中乳腺炎的总发病率较高和生殖疾病(即胎盘滞留,子宫内膜炎,脓疱病,难产或双胎)有关。随着一年中某些时间乳房疾病评分增加(SCC逐渐增加)的牛群百分比的增加,SCC升高的风险也随之增加。与SCC升高风险增加相关的其他因素包括:饲喂11到16个月大的小母牛的精料数量增加,在产犊的当天而不是更早的时候转移到密闭的住房中,以及在挤奶时使用约束措施。此外,从出生到断奶的生长速度以及一些与饲料有关的变量(例如,给定的精矿量和粗饲料类型)与产犊后-7至30天的VTCM或初次试验挤奶时SCC升高有关。单变量分析



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