首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Behavior, Milk Yield, and Milk Composition of Machine- and Hand-Milked Murgese Mares

Behavior, Milk Yield, and Milk Composition of Machine- and Hand-Milked Murgese Mares


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A 25-d trial was performed to assess the effects of machine and hand milking on behavior, and milk yield and composition of mares; the trial involved 8 Murgese mares. Milk yield was higher (7.69 vs. 4.91 kg) and milking time was shorter (1.80 vs. 5.40 min) in machine-milked than in hand-milked mares. Machine milking of mares also resulted in a greater fat content of milk (1.63%) than did hand milking (1.06%). Milking system did not affect casein content, nitrogen fractions, or somatic cell counts. No differences in behavioral activities and in response to humans emerged. Results indicate that machine milking of mares could improve the yield and gross composition of horse milk, without adverse consequences on mare behavior and response to humans.
机译:进行了为期25天的试验,以评估机器和手动挤奶对行为,产奶量和母马组成的影响;审判涉及8名Murgese母马。与人工挤奶母马相比,​​机器挤奶的产奶量更高(7.69 vs. 4.91 kg),挤奶时间更短(1.80 vs. 5.40 min)。母马的机器挤奶还比手工挤奶(1.06%)产生了更高的牛奶脂肪含量(1.63%)。挤奶系统不影响酪蛋白含量,氮含量或体细胞计数。行为活动和对人类的反应没有差异。结果表明,母马的机器挤奶可以提高马奶的产量和总成分,而对母马的行为和对人类的反应没有不利影响。



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