首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Distinct composition of bovine milk from Jersey and Holstein-Friesian cows with good, poor, or noncoagulation properties as reflected in protein genetic variants and isoforms

Distinct composition of bovine milk from Jersey and Holstein-Friesian cows with good, poor, or noncoagulation properties as reflected in protein genetic variants and isoforms


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The objective of this study was to examine variation in overall milk, protein, and mineral composition of bovine milk in relation to rennet-induced coagulation, with the aim of elucidating the underlying causes of milk with impaired coagulation abilities. On the basis of an initial screening of 892 milk samples from 42 herds with Danish Jersey and Holstein-Friesian cows, a subset of 102 samples was selected to represent milk with good, poor, or noncoagulating properties (i.e., samples that within each breed represented the most extremes in regard to coagulation properties). Milk with good coagulation characteristics was defined as milk forming a strong coagulum based on oscillatory rheology, as indicated by high values for maximum coagulum strength (G'max) and curd firming rate (CFR) and a short rennet coagulation time. Poorly coagulating milk formed a weak coagulum, with a low G'_(max) and CFR and a long rennet coagulation time. Noncoagulating milk was defined as milk that failed to form a coagulum, having G_(max) and CFR values of zero at measurements taken within 1 h after addition of rennet. For both breeds, a lower content of total protein, total casein (CN) and K-CN, and lower levels of minerals (Ca, P, Mg) were identified in poorly coagulating and noncoagulating milk in comparison with milk with good coagulation properties. Liquid chromatography/electrespray ionization-mass spectrometry revealed the presence of a great variety of genetic variants of the major milk proteins, namely, α_(S1)-CN (variants B and C), α_(S2)-CN (A), β-CN (A~1, A~2, B, I, and F), κ-CN (A, B, and E), a-lactalbumin (B), and β-lactoglobulin (A, B, and C). In poorly coagulating and noncoagulating milk samples of both breeds, the predominant composite genotype of α_(S1)-, β-, and κ-CN was BB-A~2A~2-AA, which confirmed a genetic contribution to impaired milk coagulation. Interestingly, subtle variations in posttranslational modi- fication of CN were observed between the coagulation classes in both breeds. Poorly coagulating and noncoagulating milk contained a lower fraction of the least phosphorylated α_(S1)-CN form, α_(S1)-CN 8P, relative to total α_(S1)-CN, along with a lower fraction of glycosylated κ-CN relative to total κ-CN. Thus, apparent variation was observed in the milk and protein composition, in the genetic makeup of the major milk proteins, and in the posttranslational modification level of CN between milk samples with either good or impaired coagulation ability, whereas the composition of poorly coagulating and noncoagulating milk was similar.
机译:这项研究的目的是检查与凝乳酶引起的凝结有关的牛乳的总乳,蛋白质和矿物质组成的变化,目的是阐明导致凝乳能力受损的根本原因。在初步筛选来自42个丹麦牧羊犬和荷斯坦奶牛的牛群的892个牛奶样本的基础上,选择了102个样本的子集来代表具有良好,较差或非凝结特性的牛奶(即,每个品种中的样本代表关于凝结特性的最极端情况)。具有良好凝结特性的牛奶被定义为基于振荡流变学形成强烈凝结的牛奶,如最大凝结强度(G'max)和凝乳凝固速率(CFR)的值较高,凝乳酶凝结时间短。凝乳不良会形成较弱的凝结物,G'_(max)和CFR较低,凝乳酶凝结时间较长。未凝结的牛奶定义为未能形成凝结物的牛奶,在添加凝乳酶后1小时内进行的测量,其G_(max)和CFR值为零。与具有良好凝结特性的牛奶相比,这两个品种在凝结性和非凝结性差的牛奶中总蛋白,总酪蛋白(CN)和K-CN含量较低,而矿物质(Ca,P,Mg)含量较低。液相色谱/电喷雾电离质谱法显示存在多种主要乳蛋白的遗传变异,即α_(S1)-CN(B和C变体),α_(S2)-CN(A),β -CN(A〜1,A〜2,B,I和F),κ-CN(A,B和E),α-乳白蛋白(B)和β-乳球蛋白(A,B和C) 。在两个品种的凝结性差和非凝结性牛奶样品中,α_(S1)-,β-和κ-CN的主要复合基因型为BB-A〜2A〜2-AA,这证实了遗传因素对牛奶凝结能力的损害。有趣的是,在两个品种的凝血类别之间,CN的翻译后修饰都有细微的变化。相对于总α_(S1)-CN,凝结性差和不凝结的牛奶包含的磷酸化程度最低的α_(S1)-CN形式较低,相对于总的α_(S1)-CN较低,并且糖化的κ-CN相对较低。总计κ-CN。因此,在具有良好或受损的凝结能力的牛奶样品之间,在牛奶和蛋白质组成,主要牛奶蛋白质的基因组成以及CN的翻译后修饰水平上观察到明显的变化,而凝结和未凝结的组成却很差。牛奶是相似的。



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