首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Dairy cow breed interacts with stocking rate in temperate pasture-based dairy production systems

Dairy cow breed interacts with stocking rate in temperate pasture-based dairy production systems


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Economic optimum stocking rates for grazing dairy systems have been defined by accounting for the pasture production potential of the farm [t of dry matter (DM)/ha], the amount of feed imported from outside the farm (t of DM/ha), and the size of the cow (kg). These variables were combined into the comparative stocking rate [CSR; kg of body weight (BW)/t of feed DM available] measure. However, CSR assumes no effect of cow genetics beyond BW, and there is increasing evidence of within-breed differences in residual feed intake and between-breed differences in the gross efficiency with which cows use metabolizable energy for milk production. A multiyear production system experiment was established to determine whether Jersey (J) and Holstein-Friesian (HF) breeds performed similarly at the same CSR. Fifty-nine J cows and 51 HF cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 CSR in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement; systems were designed to have a CSR of either 80 or 100 kg of BW/t of feed DM (J-CSR80, J-CSR100, HF-CSR80, and HF-CSR100 treatment groups). Data were analyzed for consistency of farmlet response over years using ANOVA procedures, with year and farmlet as fixed effects and the interaction of farmlet with year as a random effect. The collated biological data and financial data extracted from a national economic database were used to model the financial performance for the different breed and CSR treatments. On average, annual and individual season pasture DM production was greater for the J farmlets and was less in the CSR100 treatment; however, the effect of CSR was primarily driven by a large decline in pasture DM production in the HF-CSR100 treatment (breed × CSR interaction). This interaction in feed availability resulted in a breed × CSR interaction for the per-cow and per-hectare milk production variables, with HF cows producing more milk and milk components per cow in the CSR80 treatment but the same amount as the J cows in the CSR100 treatment. On a per-hectare basis, HF cows produced the same amount of 4% fat-corrected milk and lactose as J cows in the CSR80 treatment, but less fat; at CSR100, J cows produced more 4% fat-corrected milk, fat, and protein per hectare than HF cows. Our results support a greater gross efficiency for use of metabolizable energy by the J cow; 11% less total metabolizable energy was required to produce 1 kg of fat and protein at a system level. Economic modeling indicated that profitability of both breeds was less at CSR100, but the decline in profitability with increasing stocking rate was much greater in the HF breed. Holstein-Friesian cows were more profitable at CSR80 but were less profitable at CSR100.
机译:通过考虑牧场的牧草生产潜力[吨干物质(DM)/公顷],从牧场外进口的饲料量(吨DM /公顷)来确定放牧奶牛场的经济最佳放养率。和母牛的大小(公斤)。将这些变量合并为比较库存率[CSR;千克体重(BW)/吨干饲料DM]度量。但是,CSR认为BW以外的奶牛遗传不会产生影响,并且越来越多的证据表明,奶牛体内残余饲料摄入的差异以及奶牛利用代谢能来生产牛奶的总效率之间存在种间差异。建立了多年生产系统实验,以确定在相同的CSR中,Jersey(J)和Holstein-Friesian(HF)品种的表现是否相似。将59头J母牛和51头HF母牛以2×2析因排列方式随机分配给2个CSR中的1个。系统的CSR设计为每吨饲料DM的BW为80或100 kg BW(J-CSR80,J-CSR100,HF-CSR80和HF-CSR100处理组)。使用ANOVA程序分析了多年内农户响应的一致性,以年和农户为固定效应,以农户与年的相互作用为随机效应。从国家经济数据库中提取的经过整理的生物学数据和财务数据用于对不同品种和CSR处理的财务绩效进行建模。平均而言,J农场的年和单季牧场DM产量较高,而CSR100处理则较低。但是,CSR的影响主要是由HF-CSR100处理中牧草DM产量的大幅下降(品种×CSR相互作用)驱动的。饲料可利用性的这种相互作用导致了每头牛和每公顷产奶量的品种×CSR相互作用,在CSR80处理中,HF母牛每头母牛产生更多的牛奶和奶成分,但与J母牛的数量相同。 CSR100处理。在CSR80处理中,按公顷计算,HF母牛产生的脂肪校正乳和乳糖的含量与J母牛相同,但降低了4%。在CSR100上,与HF母牛相比,J母牛每公顷的脂肪校正后的牛奶,脂肪和蛋白质的产量更高,为4%。我们的结果支持J牛利用代谢能的更高的总效率。在系统水平上生产1千克脂肪和蛋白质,所需的总代谢能减少11%。经济模型表明,在CSR100时,两个品种的获利能力都较小,但是随着放养率的提高,HF品种的获利能力下降更大。荷斯坦奶牛的CSR80利润更高,但CSR100的利润更低。



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