首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Heritabilities and genetic correlations in the same traits across different strata of herds created according to continuous genomic, genetic, and phenotypic descriptors

Heritabilities and genetic correlations in the same traits across different strata of herds created according to continuous genomic, genetic, and phenotypic descriptors


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ABSTRACTThe most common approach in dairy cattle to prove genotype by environment interactions is a multiple-trait model application, and considering the same traits in different environments as different traits. We enhanced such concepts by defining continuous phenotypic, genetic, and genomic herd descriptors, and applying random regression sire models. Traits of interest were test-day traits for milk yield, fat percentage, protein percentage, and somatic cell score, considering 267,393 records from 32,707 first-lactation Holstein cows. Cows were born in the years 2010 to 2013, and kept in 52 large-scale herds from 2 federal states of north-east Germany. The average number of genotyped cows per herd (45,613 single nucleotide polymorphism markers per cow) was 133.5 (range: 45 to 415 genotyped cows). Genomic herd descriptors were (1) the level of linkage disequilibrium (r2) within specific chromosome segments, and (2) the average allele frequency for single nucleotide polymorphisms in close distance to a functional mutation. Genetic herd descriptors were the (1) intra-herd inbreeding coefficient, and (2) the percentage of daughters from foreign sires. Phenotypic herd descriptors were (1) herd size, and (2) the herd mean for nonreturn rate. Most correlations among herd descriptors were close to 0, indicating independence of genomic, genetic, and phenotypic characteristics. Heritabilities for milk yield increased with increasing intra-herd linkage disequilibrium, inbreeding, and herd size. Genetic correlations in same traits between adjacent levels of herd descriptors were close to 1, but declined for descriptor levels in greater distance. Genetic correlation declines were more obvious for somatic cell score, compared with test-day traits with larger heritabilities (fat percentage and protein percentage). Also, for milk yield, alterations of herd descriptor levels had an obvious effect on heritabilities and genetic correlations. By trend, multiple trait model results (based on created discrete herd classes) confirmed the random regression estimates. Identified alterations of breeding values in dependency of herd descriptors suggest utilization of specific sires for specific herd structures, offering new possibilities to improve sire selection strategies. Regarding genomic selection designs and genetic gain transfer into commercial herds, cow herds for the utilization in cow training sets should reflect the genomic, genetic, and phenotypic pattern of the broad population.



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