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Genetic parameters for female fertility in Nordic Holstein and Red Cattle dairy breeds


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Genetic evaluation of female fertility in Danish,Finnish, and Swedish dairy cows was updated in 2015to multiple-trait animal model evaluation, where heiferand cow fertility up to third parity are considered asseparate traits. A model for conception rate was alsodeveloped, which required variance component estimationfor Nordic Holstein and Nordic Red Dairy Cattle.We used a multiple-trait multiple-lactation sire modelto determine variance components for interval fromcalving to first insemination, length of service period,and conception rate. Monte Carlo Expectation MaximizationREML allowed estimation of all 11 traits simultaneously.Study data were sampled from Swedish Holstein(n = 140,040) and Red Dairy Cattle (n = 101,315)heifers and cows. Conception rate observations arebinomial observations with various numbers of failurespreceding an observation of success. Using a simulationstudy, we confirmed that including a service number effectinto the conception rate model allowed us to modelthe change in expectation of successful AI with increasingnumber of services. Heifers outperformed cows in allfertility traits according to the phenotypic means in therecords. Heritabilities for the traits varied from 3 to 7%for interval from calving to first insemination, from 1to 5% for length of service period, and from 1 to 3% forconception rate. Genetic correlations within traits (i.e.,between parities) were favorable, ranging from moderateto high; genetic correlations between heifer and cowtraits were lower than between cow traits in differentparities. Lowest genetic correlations between traitswere for interval from calving to first insemination andconception rate, intermediate for interval from calvingto first insemination and length of service period, andhighest for length of service period and conception rate.The variance components estimated in this study havebeen used in Nordic fertility breeding value evaluationssince 2016.
机译:丹麦女性生育能力的遗传评价,芬兰语和瑞典乳制品奶牛于2015年更新到多个特质动物模型评估,其中小母牛和牛生育能力高达第三个平等单独的特征。也是概念率的模型也是开发,需要方差分量估计对于北欧荷斯坦和北欧红奶牛。我们使用了多个特质多哺乳胎师模型确定间隔的方差分量生计第一次授精,服务期限,和概念率。蒙特卡罗期望最大化REML允许同时估计所有11个特征。研究数据从瑞典荷斯坦取样(n = 140,040)和红色乳制品(n = 101,315)小母牛和奶牛。构想率观察是具有各种故障数量的二项式观察在观察成功之前。使用模拟研究,我们确认包括服务号码效应进入概念率模型使我们能够模拟随着增加的成功AI期望的变化服务数量。小母牛总体上表现出奶牛根据表型手段的生育性状记录。特征的遗传性从3%到7%从1个间隔到第一次授精,1服务期限的5%,1%至3%构想率。特征内的遗传相关性(即,在接线之间)是有利的,从中度范围内高;小母牛与牛之间的遗传相关性特征低于不同的牛特征疗程。特征之间的最低遗传相关性是从犊牛到第一次授精的间隔和概念率,间隔的中间体第一次授精和服务期限,服务期限和概念率最高。本研究估计的方差组分具有已被用于北欧生育育种价值评估自2016年以来。



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