首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy research >Phenotypic study on total and partial lifetime traits for dairy ewes

Phenotypic study on total and partial lifetime traits for dairy ewes


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A data file on 36396 lactations was used to determine the strength of the phenotypic relationship between productive, reproductive and lifespan traits for 7935 Spanish Churra ewes. These ewes first lambed between 1989 and 1997 and belonged to 23 flocks. The study took into account four lifespan traits (lifetime, productive life, useful life and. lifetime score), three productive traits (total milk yield produced during lifetime, lambs weaned during ewe lifetime and total revenues from sold milk and weaned lambs during lifetime) and two reproductive traits (age at first lambing and mean interval between successive lambings). Moreover, milk yield and revenues from sold milk and weaned lambs were calculated per day of lifetime, productive life and useful life. Partial lifespan traits were considered for the first three parities. The model included flock, birth year within flock and season of birth of the ewe as fixed effects. The first two effects contributed significantly to variation in all traits, while season significantly affected lifespan traits, productive traits and age at first lambing. Milk production level was added to the model for lifespan traits only. It significantly contributed to explaining the variation in all life-span traits with high percentage of variance explained averaging 14.91%. Lifetime averaged 2324 d. Productive life accounted for 57% of lifetime while useful life represented 50% of productive life. Age at first lambing averaged 622 d and average days dry during lifetime was 560. During lifetime, ewes gave an average of 4.6 parities, 6.5 weaned lambs and 636 l of milk. Average revenue from milk and lambs during lifetime was ?673. Milk/day of lifetime, productive life and useful life averaged 0.26, 0.51 and 0.93 l, respectively. The corresponding per-day revenues from sold milk and weaned lambs were, ?0.27, ?0.55 and ?1.01, respectively. Lifespan and productive traits had strong relationships (r_p among these traits ranged between 0.75 and 0.95). Two-parity and three-parity per-day milk yield had moderately high correlation (0.70-0.83) with total lifetime per-day milk yield traits. Therefore, good use of these traits would be helpful in determining best individuals early in life.
机译:使用关于36396哺乳期的数据文件,确定了7935头西班牙Churra母羊的生产性状,生殖性状和寿命性状之间的表型关系。这些母羊在1989年至1997年间首次产羔,属于23个羊群。该研究考虑了四个寿命特征(寿命,生产寿命,使用寿命和寿命得分),三个生产特征(生命期内总产奶量,母羊一生断奶的羔羊以及一生中出售的奶和断奶羔羊的总收入)和两个生殖特征(初产羔羊的年龄和连续产羔之间的平均间隔)。此外,还计算了每天的寿命,生产寿命和使用寿命,出售的牛奶和断奶羔羊的牛奶产量和收入。前三个胎次考虑部分寿命特征。该模型包括羊群,羊群内的出生年份和母羊的出生季节作为固定效应。前两个效应显着影响了所有性状的变异,而季节显着影响了初生羔羊的寿命性状,生产性状和年龄。牛奶生产水平仅添加到寿命特征模型中。它为解释所有寿命特征的变化做出了重要贡献,变异率很高,平均解释为14.91%。平均寿命2324 d。生产寿命占寿命的57%,而使用寿命则占生产寿命的50%。初产羔羊的平均年龄为622 d,一生中的平均干燥天数为560。一生中,母羊平均可产4.6头胎,6.5头断奶羔羊和636升奶。一生中从牛奶和羊羔身上获得的平均收入为673英镑。牛奶/生命日,生产寿命和使用寿命平均分别为0.26、0.51和0.93 l。出售的牛奶和断奶羔羊的相应每日收入分别为0.27、0.55和1.01。寿命性状和生产性状之间有很强的联系(这些性状之间的r_p介于0.75和0.95之间)。每天两胎和三胎的每日产奶量与终生每日总产奶量性状具有较高的相关性(0.70-0.83)。因此,充分利用这些特征将有助于确定生命早期的最佳个体。



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