首页> 外文期刊>Journal for Cultural Research >Genre and the African City: The Politics and Poetics of Urban Rhythms

Genre and the African City: The Politics and Poetics of Urban Rhythms


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This article engages the genre—city intertext in order to make conceptual distinctions between the “city” and the “urban” by illustrating how certain textual representations and disciplinary practices in their constitution of the African city are actively involved in the killing of the plurality of rhythms, or heterogeneity central to urban life. It illustrates how certain modes of reading and writing about the African city (colonial autobiographies, Eurocentric ethnographies) and institutionalized forms of non-contamination or non-contradiction (nation-building practices, museums and colonial or post-colonial urban planning) in their attempt to uphold a generic image of Africanness or citiness are constitutive of rhythmic urbicide — the killing of urban heterogeneity through claims to purity and partitioning of African cities, subjects and subject voices. The City is a discourse and this discourse is truly a language: the city speaks to its inhabitants, we speak our city, the city where we are, simply by living in it, by wandering through it, by looking at it. (Barthes 1997) African writers … are [by ethnicity] Asante, Yoruba, Kikuyu, but what does this now mean? They are [by nationality] Ghanaian, Nigerian, Kenyan, but does this yet mean anything? They are [by racial identification] black, and what is the worth of the black person? … This particular constellation of problems is not often found outside Africa: a recent colonial history, a multiplicity of diverse sub national indigenous traditions, a foreign language whose metropolitan culture has traditionally defined the “natives” by race as inferior. (Appiah 1993)
机译:本文采用流派-城市互通的形式,以通过说明非洲城市宪法中的某些文字表现形式和纪律做法如何积极参与杀害多个城市群体来在“城市”与“城市”之间进行概念上的区分。节奏或异质性是城市生活的中心。它说明了某些关于非洲城市的阅读和写作方式(殖民地自传,以欧洲为中心的人种志)和非污染或非矛盾的制度化形式(建国实践,博物馆以及殖民地或后殖民地城市规划)的尝试维护非洲性或城市性的一般形象是节奏性杀人行为的构成要素,即通过宣称非洲城市,主体和主体声音的纯净和划分来杀死城市的异质性。城市是一种话语,而这种话语实际上是一种语言:城市在向居民说话,我们在说我们的城市,我们所在的城市,仅仅通过在其中生活,在城市中徘徊,通过观察就可以了。 (Barthes 1997)非洲作家……[按种族划分]是阿桑特,约鲁巴,基库尤人,但这是什么意思?他们(按国籍)是加纳人,尼日利亚人,肯尼亚人,但这还意味着什么?他们(根据种族身份)是黑人,黑人的价值是什么? ……在非洲以外通常不会发现这种特殊的问题:最近的殖民历史,多种多样的次国家土著传统,外语,其大都会文化传统上将种族的“土著”定义为次等。 (阿皮亚1993)



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