首页> 外文期刊>The journal of criminal law >The Process for ABE Interviews and Re W Applications in Child Sexual Abuse Cases

The Process for ABE Interviews and Re W Applications in Child Sexual Abuse Cases

机译:儿童性虐待案件中的ABE面试和Re W申请程序

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This family law case will be of particular interest to criminal practitioners in light of the court's observations about the proper conduct of ABE interviews. The appellant in this case was Mr E. Mr E is the father of child A, who was 15 years old at the time of the hearing. Child A was friends with children from another family, their mother being Ms F. They were: B, a younger boy also aged 15; C, a boy aged 10; and, D, a girl aged 8. On 24 February 2015, A was caught stealing while he was with B, C and D at a local shop. The police located both sets of parents, who were in an inebriated and aggressive state, at the home of Ms F. The children were subsequently placed into police protection overnight. A was returned home but B, C and D remained in foster care and became the subjects of care proceedings.
机译:鉴于法院对ABE采访的适当进行的观察,该家庭法律案件将对犯罪从业者特别感兴趣。在此案中,上诉人是E先生。E先生是A子女的父亲,A子女在聆讯时只有15岁。孩子A是与另一个家庭的孩子的朋友,他们的母亲是F女士。他们是:B,也是一个15岁的小男孩; C,一个10岁的男孩; D是一个8岁的女孩。2015年2月24日,A与B,C和D一起在当地商店时被偷去。警察在F女士的住所中将两对父母都处于激怒和好斗的状态。随后,这些孩子被放置在一夜之间受到警察的保护。 A被送回了家,但B,C和D仍在寄养中并成为护理程序的对象。



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