首页> 外文期刊>Journal of contemporary European studies >Christianity and Resistance in the 20th Century. From Kaj Munk and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Desmond Tutu

Christianity and Resistance in the 20th Century. From Kaj Munk and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Desmond Tutu

机译:二十世纪的基督教与抵抗。从Kaj Munk和Dietrich Bonhoeffer到Desmond Tutu

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This book addresses the question of resistance, be it violent or non-violent, active or passive, as it manifests itself in the lives of a number of Christian figures during the twentieth century. Resistance is here understood as 'the opposition to something with which one disagrees, specifically 'the state' or 'the government'.rnIn an introductory chapter, S0ren Dosenrode traces the relationship between Christianity and resistance from the Early Church until today, showing that the question of resistance was already important to the early Christians.
机译:本书探讨了抵抗的问题,无论是暴力还是非暴力,主动还是被动,因为它在二十世纪许多基督徒人物的生活中都得到了体现。在这里,反抗被理解为“对人们不同意的事物的反对,特别是“国家”或“政府”。rn在介绍性章节中,多森罗德(S0ren Dosenrode)追溯了基督教与早期教会之间的关系,直到今天,这表明抵抗的问题对于早期的基督徒已经很重要。




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