
In Stahlgewittern


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There are two English translations of Ernst Juenger's Storm of Steel: Basil Creighton's of 1929 (London: Chatto and Windus) and Michael Hofmann' s of 2004 (London: Penguin). Their differences are not only the result of seven decades of literary, linguistic and social history but also due to the fact that they are based on radically different-yet equally astonishing-texts. 'Deserting into war' in an attempt to escape from oppressive Imperial society, Ernst Juenger, a 19-year-old volunteer profoundly uninterested in nationalism, soon distinguished himself as both an audacious warrior and, with time, a capable and beloved Fuehrer. Having fought in the battle of the Somme, Operation Michael (Germany's last-ditch effort to win the war) and been wounded 14 times over the course of the war, Juenger was soon recognized for his heroic efforts. Along with only 684 other German soldiers and officers, he was awarded the Pour le Merite, Prussia's highest order of merit.
机译:恩斯特·朱恩格的《钢铁风暴》有两种英文译本:1929年的罗勒·克赖顿(Basil Creighton)(伦敦:Chatto和Windus)和2004年的迈克尔·霍夫曼(Michael Hofmann)(伦敦:企鹅)。它们的差异不仅是七十年的文学,语言和社会历史的结果,还归因于它们基于根本不同但又同样惊人的文本的事实。 19岁的志愿者恩斯特·朱纳(Ernst Juenger)为逃避帝国的压迫性社会而“发动战争”,对民族主义深感兴趣。他很快就以自己是一个大胆的战士,并随着时间的流逝,成为了一个有能力且倍受爱戴的Fuehrer。曾在迈克尔·索米尔(Simme)作战中进行了迈克尔行动(德国赢得战争的最后一搏),并在战争过程中受伤了14次,很快,琼格因其英勇的努力而受到认可。他与其他684名德国士兵和军官一道被授予普鲁士最高功绩奖。



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