首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Construction Engineering and Management >Developing a Complexity Measure for Project Schedules

Developing a Complexity Measure for Project Schedules


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Several factors contribute to the complexity of project schedules, including the number of activities, the level of detail, and the shape of the project network. This paper presents a measure that assesses the complexity of project schedules in terms of the connectivity of the activities. Unlike similar complexity measures, the proposed complexity measure does not consider redundant relationships in the project's schedule. In addition, the measure is expressed as a percentage and therefore has the advantage of being intuitively understand by project managers. The measure considers the degree of interrelationships between the activities in the project's schedule. The measure has been implemented in a computerized tool to help managers assess the complexity of their projects. The tool is developed as an add-in to popular commercial scheduling software like MS Project.
机译:有几个因素导致项目进度表的复杂性,包括活动数量,详细程度和项目网络的形状。本文提出了一种根据活动的连通性来评估项目进度的复杂性的措施。与类似的复杂性度量不同,拟议的复杂性度量在项目进度表中不考虑冗余关系。此外,该度量以百分比表示,因此具有项目经理可以直观理解的优势。该措施考虑了项目进度表中活动之间的相互关系程度。该措施已通过计算机化工具实施,可帮助管理人员评估项目的复杂性。该工具是作为流行的商业计划软件(例如MS Project)的附件开发的。



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