首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Construction Engineering and Management >Project Quality and Change Performance Differences Associated with the Use of Building Information Modeling in Design and Construction Projects: Univariate and Multivariate Analyses

Project Quality and Change Performance Differences Associated with the Use of Building Information Modeling in Design and Construction Projects: Univariate and Multivariate Analyses


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Building information modeling (BIM) has garnered significant attention in the past several years as a process that can positively impact the performance of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) projects. This paper builds upon previous research to investigate the effect of BIM on two key measures of AEC project performance: project change metrics and facility quality metrics. The research methodology includes conducting univariate and multivariate analyses on quantitative performance data from more than 30 completed vertical construction projects. Thirty-six BIM input variables were measured, summarized, and analyzed against project performance. Interesting results and contributions emerge from the analysis, including the lack of a relationship between BIM use and the extent of total project change; instead, the projects saw a transformation in the initiator of these changes. As BIM use increased, projects exhibited fewer design changes and more owner-initiated changes, arguably due to better visualization and understanding, leading to a more constructive involvement of project owners in the process. The findings also included the potential of BIM to increase systems quality and decrease the warranty and latent defect costs. The findings of this study can help project stakeholders decide how to most effectively use BIM on their projects by providing a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of BIM on project change and quality performance. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.
机译:在过去的几年中,建筑信息模型(BIM)受到了广泛的关注,因为它可以对建筑,工程和建设(AEC)项目的性能产生积极影响。本文基于先前的研究来研究BIM对AEC项目绩效的两个关键指标的影响:项目变更指标和设施质量指标。研究方法包括对来自30多个已完成的垂直建设项目的定量绩效数据进行单变量和多变量分析。根据项目绩效对36个BIM输入变量进行了测量,汇总和分析。分析产生了有趣的结果和贡献,包括在BIM使用与项目总变更程度之间缺乏联系;相反,项目在这些更改的发起者中进行了转换。随着BIM使用量的增加,项目展示的设计变更更少,所有者发起的变更更多,这可以归因于更好的可视化和理解,从而导致项目所有者在此过程中更具建设性的参与。调查结果还包括BIM在提高系统质量,降低保修和潜在缺陷成本方面的潜力。这项研究的结果可以通过更全面地了解BIM对项目变更和质量绩效的影响,来帮助项目涉众决定如何最有效地在其项目中使用BIM。 (C)2015年美国土木工程师学会。



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