首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computer and System Sciences >Space- Bounded Quantum Complexity'

Space- Bounded Quantum Complexity'


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This paper investigates the computational power of space-bounded quantum Turing machines. The following facts are proved for space-construct- ible space bounds s satisfying s(n)=Ω(log n): 1. Any quantum Turing machine (QTM ) running in space s can be simulated by an unbounded error probabilistic Turing machine (PTM ) run- ning in space O(s). No assumptions on the probability of error or running time for the QTM are required, although it is assumed that all transition amplitudes of the QTM are rational. 2. Any PTM that runs in space s and halts absolutely (i.e., has flnite worst-case running time ) can be simulated by a QTM running in space O(s). If the PTM operates with bounded error, then the QTM may be taken to operate with bounded error as well, although the QTM may not halt absolutely in this case. In the case of unbounded error, the QTM may be taken to halt absolutely. We therefore have that unbounded error, space O(s) bounded quantum Turing machines and probabilistic Turing machines are equivalent in power and, furthermore, that any QTM running in space s can be simulated deter- ministically in NC~2(2~s) (is contained in) DSPACE(s~2 ) ⌒ DTIME(2~(o(s)) ). We also consider quantum analogues of nondeterministic and one-sided error probabilistic space-bounded classes and prove some simple facts regarding these classes.
机译:本文研究了有界量子图灵机的计算能力。对于满足s(n)=Ω(log n)的空间可构造空间边界s,证明了以下事实:1.在空间s中运行的任何量子图灵机(QTM)都可以由无界误差概率图灵机(在空间O(s)中运行。尽管假定QTM的所有过渡幅度都是合理的,但无需假设QTM的错误概率或运行时间。 2.在空间s中运行并绝对停止(即具有最坏情况下的最慢运行时间)的任何PTM都可以由在空间O中运行的QTM进行模拟。如果PTM在有界错误的情况下工作,那么QTM也可以在有界错误的情况下工作,尽管在这种情况下QTM可能不会绝对停止。在无限错误的情况下,可以将QTM完全停止。因此,我们有无穷大的误差,以空间O(s)为界的量子图灵机和概率图灵机在功率上是等效的,此外,可以在NC〜2(2〜s)中确定性地模拟空间s中运行的任何QTM。 (包含在)DSPACE(s〜2)⌒DTIME(2〜(o(s)))中。我们还考虑了不确定性和单边错误概率限界类的量子类似物,并证明了有关这些类的一些简单事实。



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