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A parallel generator for sparse unstructured meshes to solve the eikonal equation


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Mesh generation is the first step in a wide range of applications including navigation for robots or virtual agents in pedestrian simulations. To find the shortest travel time to a target, a common technique is to solve the eikonal equation on a mesh. We propose EikMesh, an extension of the DistMesh algorithm. EikMesh is a fast parallel mesh generator that reduces the number of mesh points, and thus the computation time, while maintaining precision of numerical solvers on the mesh. It automatically refines where desired, in our case, where the eikonal equation undergoes changes, e.g. near obstacles. The first crucial step is the generation of a sophisticated initial mesh which reduces the number of smoothing steps. In addition, EikMesh avoids expensive Delaunay-re-triangulations. Space filling curves manage storage space in a cache-friendly manner. EikMesh scales better than the parallelized traditional DistMesh and significantly outperforms it for a number of test cases. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:网格生成是各种应用程序的第一步,包括用于人员模拟中的机器人或虚拟代理的导航。要找到目标的最短旅行时间,常用技术是解决网格上的eikonal方程。我们提出Eikmesh,是STATMESH算法的扩展。 Eikmesh是一个快并并行网格发生器,可减少网格点的数量,从而减少计算时间,同时保持网格上数值求解器的精度。在我们的情况下,它在所需的情况下自动改进eikonal方程的变化,例如,靠近障碍。第一关键步骤是生成复杂的初始网格,其降低了平滑步骤的数量。此外,Eikmesh避免了昂贵的Delaunay-Re-Trailations。空间填充曲线以缓存友好的方式管理存储空间。 Eikmesh比并行化传统的Distmesh更好,并且对于许多测试用例来说显着优于它。 (c)2018年elestvier b.v.保留所有权利。



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