首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Community Practice >Community Revitalization in Post-Katrina New Orleans: A Critical Analysis of Social Capital in an African American Neighborhood

Community Revitalization in Post-Katrina New Orleans: A Critical Analysis of Social Capital in an African American Neighborhood


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This research explored the role of social capital, particularly civic engagement and social trust, in community revitalization efforts in a primarily African American post-Katrina neighborhood (n = 153). Findings reveal high levels of participation in neighborhood and political activities but low levels of social trust. Eighty-four percent of this primarily African American sample reported that they do not trust people of other races as compared to 23 to 32% of African American respondents in the national study. Drawing from critical theoretical perspectives, we offer a critique of the limits of social capital theory as well as a discussion of the importance of building social and racial trust as central components of community development practice. Implications include emphasizing organizational capacity-building activities, community organizing training, and racial reconciliation efforts in post-disaster environments.
机译:这项研究探索了社会资本,特别是公民参与和社会信任,在主要是非裔美国人卡特里娜飓风后社区(n = 153)中在社区振兴工作中的作用。调查结果表明,人们对社区和政治活动的参与程度很高,但对社会的信任程度却很低。在这项主要是非裔美国人的样本中,有84%的人表示他们不信任其他种族的人,而在这项全国研究中,只有23%至32%的非裔美国人受访者。从批判性理论角度出发,我们对社会资本理论的局限性进行了评论,并讨论了建立社会和种族信任作为社区发展实践的核心组成部分的重要性。其含义包括强调组织能力建设活动,社区组织培训以及灾后环境中的种族和解工作。



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