首页> 外文期刊>Journal of communication inquiry >Thiel Stern, Shayla. (2007). Instant Identity: Adolescent Girls And The World Of Instant Messaging. New York: Peter Lang

Thiel Stern, Shayla. (2007). Instant Identity: Adolescent Girls And The World Of Instant Messaging. New York: Peter Lang

机译:席尔·泰尔·斯特恩(Thiel Stern)。 (2007)。即时身份:青春期女孩和即时消息的世界。纽约:彼得·朗

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In this recent contribution to the growing field of girls' studies, Shayla Thiel Stern provides an insightful analysis of one of the most popular forms of communication among adolescents today. As Stern points out, according to a recent Pew Research Center report, nearly 13 million teenagers use instant messaging (IM), 69% of those report using it several times a week, and the numbers are growing all the time (p. 2). Given the sheer pervasiveness of the communication technology in the lives of so many teenage girls, the book is a welcome and necessary addition to understanding contemporary girlhood, as well as computer-mediated communication.
机译:在最近对女孩研究领域不断发展的贡献中,谢拉·泰尔·斯特恩(Shayla Thiel Stern)对当今青少年中最流行的一种交流形式进行了深刻的分析。正如Stern指出的那样,根据Pew研究中心最近的一份报告,将近1300万青少年使用即时消息(IM),其中69%的青少年每周使用几次即时消息,而且这一数字一直在增长(第2页) 。鉴于通信技术在许多少女的生活中无处不在,因此这本书是理解当代少女以及计算机介导的交流的欢迎和必要补充。



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