
Editor's Introduction


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This issue of the Journal of Communication Inquiry takes readers on a journey of critical scholarship that starts in cyber-space and ends in the concrete jungle, with stops in the advertising boardrooms, the Pacific Northwest, and even the fictional land of Westeros in between. As the Federal Communication Commission holds hearings on a proposed rule change that critics say would end net neutrality and drastically change the Internet, the July issue of the JCI brings you a discussion with a scholar who isn't afraid of entering the political fray over media regulation. During a recent visit to the University of Iowa (home of JCI), Robert McChesney spoke with School of Journalism and Mass Communication PhD student David Asa Schwartz about how the study of political economy has helped him understand and attempt to influence U.S. media system policies.
机译:本期《通讯查询杂志》将读者带入批判性奖学金的旅程,此旅程始于网络空间,始于混凝土丛林,停靠在广告会议室,西北太平洋乃至虚构的维斯特洛地区。当联邦通信委员会就拟议中的规则变更进行听证会时,批评者说这将终止网络中立性并彻底改变互联网,JCI的7月刊为您带来了一位学者的讨论,该学者不惧怕因媒体而陷入政治争端规。在最近访问爱荷华大学(JCI的所在地)期间,罗伯特·麦克格斯尼(Robert McChesney)与新闻与大众传播学院的学生大卫·阿萨·施瓦茨(David Asa Schwartz)进行了交谈,探讨了政治经济学的研究如何帮助他理解并试图影响美国媒体系统政策。



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