首页> 外文期刊>Journal of communication inquiry >Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global Connectivity as a Terrain of Struggle for the Commons in Alex Rivera's Sleep Dealer

Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global Connectivity as a Terrain of Struggle for the Commons in Alex Rivera's Sleep Dealer

机译:机器人在数字装配线上的抵抗:全球连通性是亚历克斯·里维拉(Alex Rivera)睡眠经销商的公地斗争之地

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This article explores the politics of global connectivity in Alex Rivera's film Sleep Dealer (2008), focusing on this science fiction film's critical engagement with the problems and possibilities of connectivity in digital capitalism. Through its depiction of an imaginable, near-future world governed by digital connectivity, the film reflects back on contemporary global connectivity as a terrain of proliferating antagonisms. In so doing, Sleep Dealer dispatches celebratory technological fetishism and totalizing technological pessimism alike by evoking the political possibilities offered by emergent transnational networks of social cooperation amid an increasingly clenched and contested infrastructure of digital connectivity.
机译:本文探讨了亚历克斯·里维拉(Alex Rivera)的电影《睡眠商人》(Sleep Dealer)(2008)中的全球连通性政治,着眼于这部科幻电影对数字资本主义中连通性的问题和可能性的关键参与。通过对数字连接所控制的,可以想象的,近乎未来的世界的描述,这部电影又将当代的全球连接反思为激增的对抗之地。这样一来,Sleep Dealer通过在日益紧缩且竞争激烈的数字连接基础架构中唤起新兴的跨国社会合作网络所提供的政治可能性,来发扬庆祝性的技术拜物教和全面的技术悲观主义。



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